The number of early school-leavers is getting higher that has a negative effect on society. There is a lack of programs that make youth ready to tackle life challenges. The main objective is to develop a professional method of talent management that keeps disadvantaged youth in the education system, helps them continuing their studies and supports them on the labour market. Similar organizations can adopt the method that generates cooperation and networking. The developed method will be based on experience of professionals. The participants will take part in several workshops and programs that will improve their competencies and knowledge of advocacy, participatory democracy and active citizenship. Their personal and social competencies like cooperation, problem-solving and communication will improve thus they recognize the significance of personal responsibility. The target group contains 52 highly disadvantaged youth: 30 of them (between the age of 14-18) already connected to the foundation, 22 children (age of 10-13) and their parents. There are 5 partner organizations who actively take part in the project activities through the country.
Summary of project results
The number of early school-leavers is getting higher that has a negative effect on society. There is a lack of programs that make youth ready to tackle life challenges. The main objective was to develop a professional method of talent management that keeps disadvantaged youth in the education system, helps them continuing their studies and supports them on the labour market. The project promoter with its partners elaborated the methodological resource matrix in order to synchronize the professional work, appoint the tasks and responsible colleagues. A questionnaire was elaborated in order to examine the attitude change and development of participants. The program was evaluated and finalized. During the testing period 4 trainings were implemented with the participation of 25-52 youth. One of the training occasions was implemented in 3 smaller groups in 3 different venues. Each training had different aim and thematic: personalized situation analysis and development plans were prepared; drama and media pedagogy workshops. For the divided training, parents were invited in order to introduce their jobs which were interesting for the participant children – according to their filled questionnaire. Involved professionals assessed the method – considering the experiences of the project and finalized it. On the closing event it was presented to several relevant organization and professionals. The foundation is committed to continue its works as more elements of the method were efficient. Thus psychological consultation will be ensured; every year a career introduction event will be organized and they will pay more attention on career counseling.
Summary of bilateral results