"Island of Children" - Community services for children in Bükkszentmárton

Project facts

Project promoter:
Association for Making Bükkszentmárton Nicer
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 14,976
The project is carried out in:

More information


In Bükkszentmárton more than half of the population is unemployed and earns their living with seasonal works and financial aids. The village has no public institutions thus public services are available only in the neighbouring town. Distance makes the dialogue between schools and parents difficult. The main objective of the project is to establish a community place and a service system in the village that contributes to the improvement of talents, compensation of disadvantages and formation of an active community. The project aims to involve children in order to develop their social, communication and intellectual competencies. It prepares children for the school so they will be able to keep up with their classmates. The community house will be renovated; the possibilities and legal frames of establishing a family daycare center will be mapped. Volunteers who will work with the children will be trained and coordinated. Handcraft workshops, dance classes, IT workshops will be organized regularly, as well as family weekends, village celebrations and a summer camp. The target group includes children under the age of 14, their parents and members of the association.

Summary of project results

The main objective of the project was to establish a community space and service providing system that ensures talent management, compensate existing disadvantages and to make a community of volunteers. As a first step – establishing the infrastructural and operating conditions – the Association arranged the long-term renting with the local government, prepared the restructuring plan based on the previously learnt backgrounds on Day Care Centers and with the help of the mayor they found a building contractor. After the reconstruction the organization contacted and consulted with professionals thus they could start the legal process of becoming an official Day Care Institution. The project promoter held organizational development trainings in order to explore human resources, to prepare volunteers methodologically and supervision. Project promoter offered the following services: - playing field (twice a week): themes were: games, music, films, health and seasonal holidays; - early age skill development (once a week): themes were recognizing colors, forms, paints, different equipment. Usually 8-20 children and their parents participated in those workshops. During the project they helped 43 people with arranging personal administration, teenagers learned hip-hop dance, and local people could participate 21 times in IT basic user trainings. Community events were organized around several topics like international Children’s Day, Roma Day, Marton Day, Santa Claus Day, Family Day, Charity Days open for everyone, and several community programs in order to strengthen the community bond between inhabitants. 16 children participated in the 3-day summer camp in Eger. As a result of the project parents recognized the necessity of developing the children’s skills and they learnt to accept this kind of help – that shows they also improved, became more conscious about their decisions.

Summary of bilateral results