The poor, the unemployed and the public workers - mostly Roma people - are systematically punished for their poorly-equipped bicycles day by day revealed in large number of examples for deliberate discrimination. The aim of the actions is to draw attention to these everyday injustices and to help the marginalized groups through gathering up solidarity. As the result of the campaign, number of grievances will decrease as well as the target group will be able to stand up for themselves enhancing their solidarity. Through the project, bicycles belonging to the poor and Roma population will be properly equipped in 20 villages located in Edelény area. Against the discrimination, 21 bicycle protesting actions are planned to be held besides our solidarity actions where at least 1,500 used bicycle equipment parts going to be collected. 1000 marginalized- mostly Roma people - living below the poverty line in Edelény area Our campaign is planned to be implemented with the Social Self-Defense Group as they are going to be involved into collecting and cycling action in Budapest.
Summary of project results
Marginalised groups in Edelény area have to suffer everyday injustices and discrimination. The aim of the association is to work together with marginalised groups in the future; inform the public through the facebook page, giving help in advocacy. The objective was to draw attention to everyday injustices, publicity was reached though newspaper articles and through the Internet, involving the marginalised groups was fully successful. More people became aware of the association and its projects, bicycles in 7 villages of Edelény area have been fully equipped. Raising awareness of the marginalised groups, recycling and collecting activities, reaching press publicity have been implemented. Actions for equipping bicycles were organised together with the marginalised groups, distributing leaflets, involving local residents were organised by the members of the target group. Problems connected to discrimination in Edelény area have reached high publicity.
Summary of bilateral results