The overall goal of the project is to create a better understanding of climate change impacts among local decision makers and other local stakeholders. The primary objective of the project is the capacity building of local authorities, local decision makers and local stakeholders about climate adaptation, involving at least 140 local authorities and sub-regional stakeholders from the following regions of Hungary: Közép-Dunántúl, Dél-Dunántúl, Észak-Alföld, and the east part of Közép-Magyarország (including the East side of Budapest). Outcome/Outputs are a Roadmap for capacity building activities (140 pages), Training background materials (250 pages), Training materials (15 unit), Trainings organized (160), Number of employees of local authorities or local stakeholders completed the training for vulnerability assessment and local adaptation strategy preparation (300 person), A communication/publicity plan developed, Communication campaign (14 microregions), Events, conferences (6 pieces), Website, Media, Monitoring plan, Number of beneficiaries (300). Guidelines and main steps for developing local adaptation strategies will be developed and based on this the guidance material and concrete steps for local adaptation strategy development will be finalized. The partnership through the trainings, which includes i.a. the Norwegian Norland Research Institute, will build the capacity for local decision makers and stakeholders on what kind of strategies, action plans and measures they have to take to adapt to the changing climate and how to involve the general public.
Summary of project results
In Hungary the local level awareness of climate change is at a very basic and general level and awareness of potential impacts of climate change and vulnerability of different systems and sectors is even weaker. Ways of adapting to climate change are not well known, and there are fewer ideas of how to cope with this: in most cases, ideas that do exist are not transferred into practice. Local strategies and measures integrated into local development and building plans that provide roadmap on how community should adapt to the diverse effects of climate change, are exceedingly rare. There is an urgent need for capacity building and information sharing among local authorities sand awareness raising for the general public. The overall objective of the project was to create a better understanding of climate change impacts among local decision makers and other local stakeholders. The primary aim of the project was the capacity building of local authorities and local stakeholders about climate adaptation, involving at least 140 local authorities and sub-regional stakeholders from 4 regions of Hungary. Project deliverables and indicators contracted have been achieved. The most important project outputs are listed below: • Roadmap/guideline for capacity building activities; • Training background materials; • Training materials, 16 presentations; • Training of 48 days organized; • 143 Persons participated in the training (received certificate); • Number of local population reached: 1,659,897 capita • One communication campaign plan developed and 15 campaigns implemented, 11 communication events organized; • 197 media outreach; • Developed the project website:; • The project promoter had a donor project partner and was active in bilateral activities;
Summary of bilateral results
The bilateral cooperation improved knowledge and understanding for both sides, but also produced shared results. The donor project partner was the Nordland Research Institute. The Institute participated in the kick off meeting of the project, where project tasks were discussed in detail and work distribution agreed. Based on this, the Institute's task was the elaboration, of the gender chapter for the training background material and collection of the best practice case studies, including Norwegian case studies too, which were also presented at the closing event of the project. The Nordland Research Institute supported the project promoter's bilateral activity too, by bringing together the Study tour participants with Norwegian experts and possible hosts, allowing through this for the Hungarian local authorities representatives to see a different approach for handling local issues also related to climate change.