In line with the EU common objectives, the national renewable energy target of reaching 14,65% in the final energy consumption by 2020 is defined in the Hungarian National Energy Strategy 2030, the National Energy Efficiency Action Plan, the National Building Energy Efficiency Strategy and National Renewable Energy Action Plan 2010-2020. This target is underlined by the project, which also helps to cut energy costs and reduce GHG emissions, thus benefiting measures against climate change. The aim of the project is to build a biogas power plant of 1.6 MW, which is planned to produce 5.183.078 m3 biogas from 33.397 tonnes of biomass. Biomass will be supplied from solid manure provided by Enyingi Agrár Ltd., kitchen waste collected by KAONA Ltd. - whose composting plant collects and uses the kitchen waste from restaurants of the Siófok region with a capacity of 15,600 tonnes / year - as well as from energy crops. The technical content of the project includes the establishment of 4 concrete fermenters with 8 199 m3 fermenter volume. Biogas will be burnt by two MWM Pro2 BIEM 800 gas engines, each with a capacity of 800 KW. The biogas will be used for producing electricity and heat energy. By 6,444 operating hours 10,310 MWh electricity will be produced during a year, which covers the power plant’s own demand and furthermore, it will able to sell 9,670 MWh / year to be fed into the national grid of EoN. Heat energy produced during the operation of the two gas engines, 9.692 MWh of heat is generated. After covering its own heat energy need, the biogas plant will be able to sell 16,093,000 MJ / year heat energy for the KAONA Ltd. situated in the neighbourhood.
Summary of project results
In line with the EU common objectives, the national renewable energy target of reaching 14,65% in the final energy consumption by 2020 is defined in the Hungarian National Energy Strategy 2030, the National Energy Efficiency Action Plan, the National Building Energy Efficiency Strategy and National Renewable Energy Action Plan 2010-2020. This target is underlined by the project, which also helps to cut energy costs and reduce GHG emissions, thus benefiting measures against climate change. The aim of the project is to build a biogas power plant of 1.6 MW, where the biomass is supplied from dairy cattle manure mixed with energy plants and food industry residues provided by local enterprises. The substrate converted to biogas produces the electric energy of ca. 2,500 households. The technical content of the project included the establishment of 4 concrete fermenters. Biogas is burnt by two gas engines, each with a capacity of 800 KW. The biogas plant produces 5.2 million m3 biogas annually in totally closed system. This gas is then burned in central heat and power plants which produces electric energy and a certain amount of heat. The CHP’s produce nearly 10.3 GWh of green electricity and 9.7 GWh heat energy annually. The electric energy is sold in a feed-in-tariff system to MAVIR Ltd. After the fermentation process the end substrate is utilized on agricultural fields to reduce the use of artificial fertilizer. The biogas plant reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 10,033 tonnes CO2 annually. By additional activity further equipment were purchased enhancing the efficiency of the renewable energy production and widening the range of raw materials.
Summary of bilateral results