The New World, Association for Children and Youth

Project facts

Project promoter:
The New World, Association for Children and Youth
Project Number:
Target groups
Children ,
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 3,755
The project is carried out in:
Sisacko-moslavacka županija


"Cheerful Nook" is a part of the project "Time for Happiness" which aims to strengthen the residents of the childcare institution "Vrbina". We want to empower their social and intellectual competences through a variety of fun, educational and creative workshops. The goal of project is an adaptation of a playing and socializing room in the institution, in order to create better conditions for living and implementation of the interactive workshops for the residents. The goal is in accordance with the aim of the program, which is also to adapt the room for working and socializing in the institution as well as we will hold workshops to empower the residents there. The residents will directly benefit from this action, as they will have a comfortable environment for socializing and playing. An indicator of action implementation will be acquired equipment, toys and materials for interior decoration. We will also hold an educational-entertaining workshop in the renovated room and distribute promotional materials.

Summary of project results

Action Cheerful Nook of the Association New World was aimed at decorating and furnishing rooms for play and learning in the Child Caring Institution Vrbina, Sisak. In the action participated 4 employees of the Association and 11 volunteers. Preparatory work was held in April, as was calls for citizens to be involved in the action, meetings, purchase of didactic equipment, toys, books, computer, cushions, cleaning and dressing the corner sofa, making desk and shelves. At the end of May, we held a press conference, where we presented results of this project to the public. On the same day we held an educational workshop for the residents of the newly-renovated space in which we have installed a new computer and didactic equipment. After this, together we took a walk through the city and had lunch. The action had excellent response in the public, as well as in social networks, and was also covered by all local media. We distributed around 1000 promotional flyers, have printed around 50 T-shirts for volunteers and residents of the home. Special value of Cheerful Nook is that after the end of the campaign, newly renovated space will be used by residents of the Child Caring Institution Vrbina, Sisak.

Summary of bilateral results