The local community has no info that would lead to them recognizing sexism, which contributes to gender inequality. This project is in accordance with guidelines of the National Policy for Gender Equality. Our objective is to increase the sensitivity of young adults and citizens for the gender equality, promotion of democratic values and promotion of human rights. We want to sensitize citizens to recognize sexism-we will achieve that with a guerrilla action and posters to draw attention and leaflets to explain what sexism is, how to react and fight against this segment of the promotion of gender inequality. By volunteer activities we will urge active citizenship,10 young volunteers will involve the citizens in the campaign and work together to promote unacceptability of sexism.Through the project the media will reach the general public. Citizens will have a direct benefit because it will strengthen the awareness to create the basis for a more equal society. Our target groups are young adults, citizens of Porec and civil servants.
Summary of project results
146 high school students were given information about sexism and its aftermath, and we believe that in the future they will be able to more critically observe the world around them in terms of gender inequality. 10 volunteers have recognized the importance of action and decided to devote their spare time to promoting gender equality, to talk with fellow citizens and put sexism on the agenda. The public was informed about the campaign through the media and social networks. FB's post on sexism was seen by 43 281 people. A larger number of people that support gender equality involved themselves in discussions with the opponents on FB, and we consider that to be an achievement. 18 people shared the examples of sexism from their life, which contributes to exposing and recognizing sexism. The implementation of the action, we got a chance to talk about sexism "one on one" with a number of fellow citizens, and this method proved to be very efficient (people would come later saying, "Oh, sexism is everywhere, now I notice all of that").
Summary of bilateral results