This project is needed because there's a small number of young people who are actively participating in the work of CSO. According to the "Indeks civilnog društva za Hrvatsku (2010)“ report, only 7% of members of CSO are volunteering, while only 17% of citizens are enrolled in one of the CSO. The goal of this action is to empower local CSO by encouraging young people to volunteer. With this project youngsters and local CSO's will socialize in an informal atmosphere and the CSO is going to present their work and recruit people. This action tries to increase the number of volunteers for at least two new active members of one of the participating CSO. By participating in this project both the members of CSO and the citizens will learn how to work as partners which will make them more willing to take greater responsibility in their future work.This action emphasizes the importance of young people's integration in the work of CSO and aims to ensure their involvement in the society - creating new relations and gaining new set of skills. Immediate benefit of the action will be young adults, CSO and young unemployed people facing social exclusion.
Summary of project results
The action featured activities planned to emphasize the relevance of communication, cooperation, exchange of knowledge and skills, but also to invite participants to "hang out" and get to know each other. Through mutual engagement of the organizations in the project, members of the organizations of civil society (OCS) and the young involved in the project learned how to communicate and work with a partner. The project respected "peer to peer" principle by allowing a valuable exchange of informal knowledge in informal conditions. The action responded to the problems of the local community (namely, the issue of too few young people volunteering or generally engaged in the work of OCS) by connecting the young with the representatives of the OCS. This also benefited the development of the OCS by engaging them in efficient work with their target users, and therefore contributing to the long-term goal of raising the standard of their services and programs in accordance with the needs of the mentioned users. Active engagement of the young in organizations of civil society allows for the organizations' better involvement in the society, because it entails creating new relations, expansion of their social network, gathering of new knowledge and skills - all of which has been achieved with this Action.
Summary of bilateral results