„United in diversity“

Project facts

Project promoter:
European house Vukovar (EHVU)
Project Number:
Target groups
Young adults
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 2,758
The project is carried out in:
Vukovarsko-srijemska županija


The action "United in Diversity" deem it extremely important to implement in Vukovar, which is a war affected area. Even though it has been past 20 years since the war, it is still a present feeling of hate and xenophobia. It is often it is a "shaken" tolerance and understanding, which was accomplished with hard work and still achieves.The cause of this is political division and unrest among the citizens, inciting of hate and unemployment. With these activities we contribute to active participation that is induced by voluntary work and solidarity, empowering of vulnerable groups and improving the social activation and inclusion of vulnerable groups in the local community.We expect positive outcomes because we have a human resources and quality plan of activities that will inspire people to be active with the support of other NGOs. We see that children and young people will have the most benefit of this project. Moreover minorities and the entire population will also see improvements since it emphasizes creative work through solidarity, common work and dialogue.

Summary of project results

Through this civic action numerous activities were implemented involving different citizen structures like women, children and youth, persons with developmental challenges and seniors. Through solidarity and imputs to strengthen individuals a contribution was made to active citizenship, and social action as well as the involvement of vulnerable groups in the local community were improved. With the implementation of public actions we successfully cooperated with local organizations and institutions hence strengthening intersectoral collaboration and networking. The visibility of the organization's work was improved through the implementation of public actions, which also emphasized voluntary action of a large number of young people and joined partners, all of it greatly contributing to the strengthening and development of social capital.  The indicators following the results achieved are: 14 events organized, 610 direct participants and cca 700 indirect participants resulting in an enhanced visibility in the local community. Beside that, volunteers and employees of EHVU participated in public events that offered opportunities for cooperation and networking with other organizations and institutions from Vukovar.

Summary of bilateral results