The project aims to improve the living conditions of the Assyrians, Syrians and Iraqis refugees. Especially, the large group of refugees from the bloody civil war in Syria is in need of immediate care. Also, the project intends to help these refugees to smoothly integrate into Greek society, as serious and complex welfare problems that they faced, unfortunately not sufficiently addressed by the State. The project includes assistance in immigrants' emergency needs, through rent payments and coverage of everyday needs (food, clothing, drugs, household equipment). More specifically and through the project, the Assyrian Association intends to provide to 300 beneficiaries basic and social welfare services. Moreover it will offer to the beneficiaries Greek language lessons, offered by volunteers in the association’s offices and participation in informative events covering legal, employment and integration issues. Coordinated effort will be made for promotion to employment through a network of local enterprises.
Summary of project results
Nowadays, it is more urgent to encourage actions of social, economic support and integration in the labor market for refugees, people enjoying temporary or subsidiary protection (or they have applied for it) and their family members. Especially at the present juncture, refugees from the war in Syria are the largest group in need who require immediate relief. Assyrian Union of Hellas supports these groups with all its available means, mainly refugees and asylum seekers from Iraq, Syria, as well as passing individuals who are in need. The main purpose of the project is to cover the immediate needs of the beneficiaries, leading to an improvement of their living conditions and to support their integration in the labour market and society. The ultimate target of the project is to support the aforementioned groups in many ways, to enable them by the end of the project to support themselves and to ensure the necessary financial and social resources for their survival and integration into Greek society. The beneficiaries were supported financially, with food supplies for their daily needs, with rent subsidy, and were informed about legal asylum application procedures. Specifically, 308 people from the Assyrian community, were offered food in soup kitchens, and 8 people from Assyrian community had their monthly rent covered. The actions of this project covered to a great extent the basic needs of beneficiaries, who acknowledged the effort of the Union. These people considered the project, alongside other actions such as Greek language courses, an essential tool for social integration and functional communication. The target group formed a positive image of Greece and expressed their desire to remain in Greece. It’s worth mentioning that as a result of the project delinquent behavior was eliminated and no negative behaviours (eg. begging) were observed in the target group.
Summary of bilateral results