The project aims at suggesting a model intervention which is cost-effective for the support of individuals suffering from depression. Specifically, it will be implemented in the following stages: a) Development of the Training Module, b) Development of E-learning platform, adjust training material for e-learning course, c) Training of Trainers who will be involved in 10 key areas, d) Group therapy for depression and suicide prevention, e) Training of users in organizing self-help groups, f) Facilitation of Self-help groups through establishing Local Meeting Points, g) Evaluation, h) Dissemination. The project will be implemented in selected areas in Attica and in the Cyclades islands, supporting existing services, actions and networks.
Summary of project results
Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide, and is a major contributor to the global burden of disease. This project addressed the problem of the increased burden of depression in the context of the ongoing economic crisis in Greece, and also the gap between needs for mental health treatment and services provided. The WHO Comprehensive mental health action plan 2013–2020, in Objectives 2 & 3, calls member countries to: (a) Develop and implement tools or strategies for self-help and care for persons with mental disorders, including the use of electronic and mobile technologies (b) Enhance self-help groups, social support, community networks and community participation opportunities for people with mental disorders and psychosocial disabilities and other vulnerable groups. Three studies have documented an increasing trend in the prevalence of depression, from 3.3% in 2008 to 8.2% in 2011 (Economou et al, 2013). Regarding mental health service use, roughly one third of those with a current common mental disorder reported that they had visited a mental health professional during the past year (Skapinakis et al, 2013). Specifically, we trained as trainers 38 mental health professionals and 140 people with personal experience from depression as facilitators of self-help groups. Also 120 people participated in psychoeducation groups for depression (12 sessions). All the training and information material was disseminated on line. The overall aim was to promote the concept of empowerment of people with mental health problems and their participation in the organization and provision of care. The training covers the following issues: a) the concepts of empowerment and recovery; b) definitions, basic characteristics, and effectiveness of self-help groups; c) the role, skills and attributes of a self-help group facilitator; d) depression; e) suicide and suicidality; f) coping with stigma. Self help groups are facilitated by non experts, people that had experienced problems relevant to depression. Participants share their experience, feelings, coping strategies, information, that are using to cope with depression in everyday life. Outcome indicators include the participation of 1450 people in public events and the collaboration of 35 local partners (local authorities, health and social services). Finally, this project led to the development by service users of 5 new self-help groups for depression in Athens and in the islands of Cyclades.
Summary of bilateral results
Under measure A, representatives of the Greek NGO traveled to Norway and met with representatives of Salten Psychiatric Centre, Selvhjelp Norge and Nordland Hospital Trust. Research meetings and presentations were made in order to learn about the Norwegian health system and the aid provided to people with mental health problems. Best-practice exchange took place. The two organizations decided to collaborate and submit a joint proposal under the NGO Programme. Under measure B, EPAPSY members visited the facilities of the University, they participated in a two day workshop (specialization in qualitive action research, empowerment, recovery, user involvement) and they exchanged educational material. After the trip, Professor Ottar Ness will visit EPAPSY in oder to train mental health professionals in the public mental health system in Greece. The collaboration wil continue at academic and educational level and also for seeking potential funding resources.