Promoting human rights and the integration of second generation immigrants through intercultural dialogue and cooperation

Project facts

Project promoter:
Project Number:
Target groups
Students and trainees in all forms of higher education level education and training
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 61,472
The project is carried out in:
Aττική / Attiki


The project aims to strengthen intercultural dialogue and the integration of second generation immigrants in the 6th district of Athens. The project’s goal will be achieved by documenting the current situation, implementing thematic workshops in cooperation with the parents' and custodians associations of local schools, cultural and sports clubs in the area. Furthermore, the project holds a multicultural youth festival, the creation and operation of a multicultural web radio and conduction of an impact study. The project concerns mainly second generation immigrants (children and youth) as well as the general population and aims inter alias to strengthen and protect the human rights of second generation immigrants, combat racism, xenophobia, social exclusion and hate speech while strengthens tolerance to multiculturalism.

Summary of project results

Almost 250,000 second-generation immigrants live in Greece, namely children of immigrants-third country nationals, who were either born in or migrated to Greece at a young age, residing in the country and who are integrated in the Greek educational system. Despite the fact that most of these children have never traveled abroad, speak only Greek, have received Greek education, have consorted mainly with Greek people, they are still considered as immigrants. The project contributed to the development of intercultural dialogue and the promotion of social equality and integration of second generation immigrants in the 6th District Athens through, among others the implementation of information and awareness actions addressed to mixed groups. The main objective of the project was the change, via intercultural dialogue, of the stereotypes and misconceptions / prejudices in regard to the identity of second generation immigrants, so that the Greek society can accept and recognize them as equal members regardless of their origin. This was achieved through the implementation of 4 workshops with parent-teacher associations in local schools (50 participants in total) and 4 workshops with local cultural and sports associations (50 participants in total). Moreover, a multicultural web radio (Think Free radio) was created and operated by a team of 8 Greek young people and second-generation immigrants. From the beginning of the web radio’s operation until the end of the project, 33 web-radio shows were broadcasted. There were 296 listeners, so the initially set goal was achieved. Additionally, a two-day multicultural festival on 27 -28.03.2016 was organized. On the first day, at the premises of Cultural Centre Caucasus, a painting exhibition and an exhibition of handmade traditional items were held, while seminars on Felting and Batica art were also organized. During the first day a round table entitled "Cultures and Traditions: young second-generation immigrants and Greeks" took place. The event was attended by about 50 people. At the second day, in Tin Pan Alley, there was a live show by the popular singer Ivi Adamou and the Alchemists, along with the Caucasus and ANASA cultural / artistic associations. This event was attended by approximately 200 people. Finally, in the framework of the project, a situation analysis in the target area and an assessment of the project impact and results were carried out.

Summary of bilateral results