Multicultural troupe ANASA: A caravan without borders

Project facts

Project promoter:
Project Number:
Target groups
Children ,
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 42,780
The project is carried out in:


The main aim of this project is to limit the problem of discrimination, racism and xenophobia, hate speech and racist violence, especially in schools. This problem is alarming in Greece and accentuated continuously. Indicatively, the Ombudsman in its Special Report "The phenomenon of racist violence in Greece and how to deal" (September 2013), in the chapter on schools, notes that during the last two years are reported more and more incidents of violence between students with information racial or other forms of racism. On the other hand, the project aims to promote the smooth integration of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants through active participation in mixed groups of multicultural troupe. The National Centre for Social Research, in his report "Integration of immigrants: attitudes, policies, practices" (2012) highlights the important role played by culture in the process of immigrant integration and activation of the wider cultural sector to support the objectives of social cohesion and solidarity of vulnerable social groups. The project aims at the creation of a multicultural troupe which will contribute in shaping and implementing a cultural program of educative, experiential and interactive character in in remote areas primary schools. The purpose will be to combat discrimination, racism and xenophobia, and promote information-awareness on human rights of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants, including women, children and unaccompanied minors. The troupe will be composed of groups of percussion, song, dance, visual arts, theater / storytelling. A three day event including workshops and a performance at the end will take part. All groups will be mixed (Greek and refugees / immigrants, women and men) in order to promote mutual learning and the dissemination of knowledge, to foster intercultural dialogue, empowerment, skill development and a smooth integration of refugees / immigrants in Greek society, and to promote gender equality.

Summary of project results

The project contributed to the promotion of democratic values, including human rights, through education and arts, and more specifically with the creation of a mixed multicultural troupe (Greeks & refugees / migrants, women & men) which promoted the elimination of discrimination, racism and xenophobia, the information and awareness-raising on the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants (including women, children & unaccompanied minors), but also their empowerment and integration into the Greek society, in the following ways: 1) it designed and implemented a three-day cultural program with workshops and open performance at the end, of pedagogical, experiential and interactive nature in schools primarily in remote refugees entry areas (Lesvos, Chios, Kos, Samos, Rhodes, Evros), and secondarily in Attica (Neos Kosmos, Halandri, Kolonos, Patissia), 2) it created an information and awareness raising album together with the children and the teachers, 3) it designed and implemented experiential workshops - seminars for teachers in primary education, 4) it created a manual - guide for teachers in primary education with techniques of theatre in the education. In the framework of the project 907 students participated in the workshops and played in the performances, while 1498 teachers, parents and the wider public attended the performances. 146 teachers participated in the experiential workshops - seminars. The project was based on the educational program of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees "Irini" - The story of a refugee child, a little girl, who, seeing the flames falling from the sky, is forced to leave her home and seek for protection, love and warmth in other countries. The project received the approval of the Ministry of Education. The troupe consisted of groups of percussion, song, dance, visual arts, theater / storytelling.

Summary of bilateral results