According to a UNICEF survey 439.000 children in Greece, live below the poverty line. The economic crisis has brought a decrease in vaccination coverage, due to the fact that parents do not have insurance coverage and can’t afford for vaccines for their children. This could lead to the re-emergence and spread of contagious diseases. Greece also holds a low EU position in adult vaccination coverage rate. Due to these facts, the project will support children and adults in a rural area (including children and adults in poverty as recorded by the Social Welfare Department of the municipalities, inhabitants of remote areas difficult to access Health Services, Roma etc.) by providing them with health services and immunization in particular (200 beneficiaries will receive basic and social welfare services). It shall also educate and inform them on disease prevention and the best ways to achieve. Finally, the project aims to increase awareness of residents about the importance of vaccinations for the improvement of public health.
Summary of project results
According to the World Health Organization “…apart from drinking water, there is nothing else except vaccination with such an impact on the reduction of mortality rate and the increase of life expectancy”. The prolonged economic crisis in Greece, has imposed a decline in the vaccinational capacity of weaker social groups, like Roma, citizens without insurance, etc., living on mountainous agricultural areas of the country, drastically decreasing their access in healthcare. These are especially true for more than 1110 permanent Roma residents of the more mountainous areas of the Achaia Province, according to the Ministry of Work and Social Insurance. The completion of the program has achieved the increase of access in healthcare services, with our team vaccinating children and adults Roma and also providing psychological support via trained social worker. Furthermore, day conferences were held to promote information concerning the importance of vaccinations and to battle social exclusion on Roma and there was an effort to promote integration of Roma children to corresponding schools. An important step was achieved due to the collaboration of our organization with the local Health Centre, in light of better implementing the program, exchanging information regarding patient history and ultimately strengthening the trust and connection of Roma with the local institute of health services. During the program, 485 vaccinations took place benefiting 151 citizens, against hepatitis type B, meningococcal and human papilloma virus, liable for the cervical cancer, 91 children and 60 adults. Specifically, 128 beneficiaries were fully vaccinated, 62 fully vaccinated for two diseases and 66 for one. Also during the visits of the vaccination team, food, clothing and medications were given. Vaccines against human papilloma virus and meningococcal provide full immunity effects for a lifetime, while against hepatitis type B, antibodies remain sufficient for immunity a decade, on average.
Summary of bilateral results