Bullying-Free: Promoting a democratic school without bullying

Project facts

Project promoter:
Project Number:
Target groups
Children ,
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 39,295
The project is carried out in:
Aττική / Attiki


The aim of the project is to make a positive contribution to tackle bullying by promoting democratic values. The project acts complementarity to national and European initiatives against school violence and transfers good practices at local level, by creating a parallel form of support to participating schools. The target groups of the project are students, teachers and parents of primary and secondary education in Attica region. These actions include the involvement of target groups with experiential workshops. It also includes the development of training materials using innovative media (comic, animation spots) as well as the development of the proposing organization structures through networking with other organizations, which are active in democratic school and combating school violence.

Summary of project results

According to research of the Special Commission for the Study of groups of school violence (EEOMEV) of the National Commission of Human Rights, 58% of students has been victims of some kind of violence and 30% has used violence. The project significantly contributed to preventing and combating school violence phenomena that affect mental and physical child victims. The implementation of project activities with strictly educational and teaching character to the target groups of students / parents / teachers set the goals: the increase in promotion of democratic school with respect to diversity, education for the promotion of peace and non-violence, the increase awareness of human rights and equality, the increase of information and awareness on the prevention, management and combating the phenomenon of bullying. During the project, experiential workshops against bullying for students of schools of Primary & Secondary Education for teachers and for parents. Democracy- ambassadors system in schools was created. Additionally, through a video spot against bullying the project succeeded the awareness and informing of the general public. At the same time, a Comic Book was created which was entitled: “KE & AN WIN SCHOOL BULLYING” which was distributed to students and teachers as an educational tool. Finally, the Digital Guide (Anti-bullying guide) with information on the phenomenon of bullying was sent to schools in national level and a theatrical performance for children was created which was entitled: "Come to my position" attended by 470 students and 30 school teachers of Primary & Secondary Education of Attica Region. The project significantly exceeded the original targets set in the original application as the interest about the involvement of more and more interested parts continuously increased and consequently the results of the project are multiple than expected. In total 43 experiential workshops against bullying were held for students of Primary & Secondary Education of Attica Region with 641 participating students from 11 participating schools of Attica, 11 experiential workshops against bullying for teachers with 116 participating teachers, 11 experiential workshops against bullying for parents with 114 participants. The Comic Book entitled "KE & AN WIN SCHOOL BULLYING" was distributed to 470 students and 30 teachers of Primary & Secondary Education. The Guidebook against bullying was sent to schools in national level to 1,719 recipients.

Summary of bilateral results