The project addresses the lack of knowledge on Attica wetlands and the difficulties in accessing necessary environmental information for the competent authorities, such as the Region of Attica (Environment and Water Directorates) and the Management Body of Schinias, to document wetland protection and rehabilitation measures. The project contributes to the objective of EEA program for integrated management of marine and inland water resources and is expected to increase knowledge and awareness in regard to Attica wetlands as water related ecosystems that face serious environmental problems and biodiversity loss. More specifically, the project will promote the implementation of: a) the measure "Rehabilitation and restoration of wetland areas" of the Attica River Basin Management Plan, b) the wetland protection and restoration measures of the Master Plan of Athens – Attica 2020, c) the Strategic Action Plan on Wetlands of Attica and d) provisions of the law on biodiversity (N. 3937/2011). Scientific studies will be carried out about the biodiversity of wetlands and water quality in water bodies, delineation proposals will be developed, management and restoration measures will be formulated, wetland data and information will be made accessible on the Internet, and information meetings and events for knowledge exchange will be organized. The project is implemented by the Region of Attica (Project Promoter), the Goulandris Natural History Museum - Greek Biotope / Wetland Centre (GNHM-EKBY), the Management Body of National Park of Schinias Marathon and the donor partner the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO). NIBIO will contribute to this work by suggesting necessary actions for the wetlands' protection, management and rehabilitation. It will also contribute substantially to the exchange of knowledge and experience on wetland restoration and water pollution prevention, by participating in meetings with the Greek partners in Greece and Norway.
Summary of project results
The project: - addressed the difficulties in accessing necessary environmental information for the competent authorities to document wetland protection and rehabilitation measures; - contributed to the objective of EEA program for integrated management of marine and inland water resources; - contributed to the measure RBD06_SM07_041: "Rehabilitation and restoration of wetland areas" of the Attica River Basin Management Plan; - increased knowledge and awareness in regard to Attica wetlands as water related ecosystems that face serious environmental problems and biodiversity loss. The aim of the project was to highlight the Attica wetlands, through their delineation and wetland management studies and it produced: i) Studies/reports for 4 water bodies on: - water quality and wetland conservation at Vourkari Megara and Koumoundourou Lake, - water quality assessment of Pikrodafni Stream - water management at the National Park Schinias - hierarchy report of wetlands to be restored with criteria based on threatened species and priority species - comments on proposals for mitigation of pollution in study areas ii) Scientific documentation for the delineation of 54 wetlands, research for biodiversity and threats, and proposals for rehabilitation, as well as cartographic imprinting of the wetland boundaries and recording of inventory data on an electronic basis. iii) Roadmap for actions to implement the results of the project iv) Dissemination of results and increase of awareness on Attica wetlands (communication strategy; project logo; 4 leaflets: Vourkari wetland, Koumoundourou Lake, Pikrodafni Stream and National Park Schinias; technical meeting with competent authorities of central government and ministry’s agencies;4 workshops; over 30 articles; 1 radio and TV broadcast) v) Webpage,, including: repository of knowledge, GIS platform and story map, application for mobile phones and tablets In particular, the project’s results can be used for the preparation and approval of wetland lists under Law 3937/2011 provisions. Monitoring of water quality of Vourkari, Koumoundourou Lake and the Pikrodaphion stream provided data for the assessment of the ecological status according to Directive 2000/60/EC. Wetland management and restoration measures are going to be integrated in the Water Resources Management Plan of the Water Department of Attica in order to be implemented at a later stage.
Summary of bilateral results
The main achievement of the bilateral cooperation during the implementation of the project was knowledge transfer on water related ecosystems’ rehabilitation. The cooperation strengthened the bilateral relations leading to the application for bilateral funds and further cooperation under Measure B. Under Measure B, a visit to NIBIO facilities in Ås took place, Norway, where the following activities where implemented: 1. Training and transfer the knowledge on issues related to the collection and analysis of water quality data and their synthesis with human activities in the agricultural sector to employees of the Region of Attica from the Norwegian partner. 2. The Strategy of Norway and the measures applied in the agricultural sector to reduce the impacts on the various water bodies as well as the Water Management Plan for the Water Department of Attica were presented. The synergies between programs and measures related to adaptation to climate change, greenhouse gas reduction and water quality improvement in agriculture were also tackled. 3. Emphasis was placed on the presentation of Soilspace, research program on the role of soil in water management through the processes of absorption, evaporation, erosion, etc., which was supplemented by a guided tour of the visitors at the laboratories' premises. 4. A whole day was devoted to the national program JOVA, which started in 1992 and is concerned with the monitoring of soil and water status in catchment areas where agricultural uses prevail. A field trip of Skuterud site, a water catchment area monitored under JOVA & Soilspace, few kilometers away from NIBIO's facilities, completed the picture of the two projects.