Affective variables have certainly been shown to play a role in learning for a ‘sustainable education’. In this project the aim is to make a contribution to the development of mathematics programs which incorporate the emotional dimension (educational performance) systematically for students and for teacher training. The objective is to carry out of “Design experiments” with the aim of developing materials to help improve students’ emotional competences in Mathematics. Developing experiments and surveys locally in both Norway and Spain in addition to exploring a framework for lectures and seminars for the presentation of the theoretical elements and models. The outcome of research and development will be more readily available to mathematics educators in order for them to be able to take the results into consideration in their planning and teaching.The researchers’ knowledge is complementary. The expertise of the two leaders of the Norway institution will provide mature reflections that will illuminate the work of both teams. The donor partner is working focus on research into mathematical modelling competencies and assessment in mathematically modelling
Summary of project results
The aims of the project are: 1) To explore affective systems of mathematics students/teachers in relation to "unusual" problem solving and when they are building mathematical models in Norway and Spain; 2) To carry out "Design experiments" or "Engineering Research" with the aim to develop materials to help improve students' emotional competences in Mathematics; 3) To examine how to build bridges between research on affect and mathematical learning and classroom practice, taking into account the framework in the research by Gómez-Chacón, Pepin and vos. Affective variables have a role in a sustainable education. The aim of the project was to make a contribution to the development of mathematics programmes, which incorporate the emotional dimension systematically, both for students and for teacher training. Several phases and activities were performed: The Mathematical Modelling Experiment "Bird Feeders" was planned, agreed, implemented and evaluated. The focus of this experiment was to enhance students' learning about functions (inverse proportionality), in a context of modelling with technologies. The investigation brings together the use of technology (Geogebra) and modelling and simulation practice. Second, a Survey was carried out in Spain in collaboration with Birgit Pepin from HIST University in Trondheim about "Pupils' attitudes towards mathematics: a comparative study of Norwegian and Spanish secondary and high school students". Also, part of the project was dedicated to exploring frameworks for lectures and seminars for the presentation of the theoretical elements and models. A number of seminars, workshops and lectures were developed in the participating institutions.
Summary of bilateral results
Partners have deepened cooperation started in previous NILS programme. The project has reinforced their relations not only through knowing more and better about both contexts, but also being able to develop a common action: the undertaking of a teaching experiment carried out in each country, the “Mathematical Modelling Experiment “Bird Feeders”. Besides, they have started a new cooperation with HIST university and NTNU in Trondheim and Oslo University, beneficial for the international cooperation of these universities and the Universidad Complutense de Madrid in order to apply for support to European education and research projects and within the frame of Erasmus +. Partners will disseminate the results in the main journals and in conferences in the field, such as CERME (Congress of European Research in Mathematics Education), and PME (International Conference for the Psychology of Mathematics Education). Also, they plan to integrate the results in a frame of understanding for Teachers’ professional knowledge in mathematics and Secondary and High School students within the Teacher Training programme of the Complutense University of Madrid.