Most of the beneficiaries in this project are women, both immigrants and native, between 25 and 45 years old, with a low educational level, in a situation of social exclusion. The objective of the project is to offer them an opportunity to participate actively in society, with adequate social and working conditions. The project aims to accompany the women in their active search for a job. It focuses on facilitating the acquisition of basic competencies (abilities, skills, knowledge and values) to participants, their development in job skills and citizenship, involving a personal maturation process and obtaining a basic qualification and an improvement in their employability conditions. This projects works with women, who are the main beneficiaries, but there are often families involved, especially children as well as other family members, who will see the positive results of this projects in their life conditions.
Summary of project results
The main goal of the project was to promote social and labour inclusion of women in vulnerable situations. More concretely, the project aimed to host and guide women that seek Caritas social services, support the development of their personal and social skills, as well as of their ITC and job seeking skills, define their professional ambition, provide them professional training for employment, contact local companies to organize non-labour traineeships, and coordinate with public and private support services. The project has been organised to provide a set of services to participants through an itinerary. In the beginning of this itinerary, a total of 685 women have received the initial welcoming and guidance. Out of them, 443 have participated in the activities organised to promote social and labour inclusion of vulnerable women. 203 women have received training, 223 psychological assistance, and 75 labour intermediation. Training provided have included pre-employment skills, such as ITC, Spanish language, job seeking skills, or social skills, as well as training for concrete occupations, such as cooker, cleaning services, hairdresser, beadwork, or care provision services. A total number of 65 companies have been contacted and 30 women have found a job at the end of their participation in the programme and many of them have improved their employability and empowerment, which increases their chances to find a job in the future.
Summary of bilateral results