According to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM 2013), there are significantly fewer women than men entrepreneurs. In 2013, around six out of ten entrepreneurs were men. The project seeks to promote the gender equality through encouraging female entrepreneurship and creation of jobs, in order to improve women's access to the labour market. The project will result in a report about resources at public universities to assist female entrepreneurs in Spain, a report on female entrepreneur's success stories as well as business plans for women participating in a formative programme. This project is expected to benefit women with university studies that want to set up a business idea or strengthen their own company.
Summary of project results
According to the GEM Report 2013, entrepreneurship in Spain is still an activity mainly dominated by men. This is why we try to promote equality between men and women in working life, encouraging female entrepreneurship and self employment. During this project a catalog of 46 resources for the support of entrepreneurs has been established; 57 persons have been trained and advised and the experience of 25 women entrepreneurs has been given visibility. Although the pursuit of the proposed objectives may require time and depend on other external factors, we are able to say that it has been achieved, given that all the expected results have been surpassed. We have been able to verify the need for this project by means of the participation of 43 universities, which in turn has allowed us to extend our network of contacts with entrepreneurship units. Moreover, we hope to continue with the project, by monitoring the progress of its beneficiaries and updating the catalog of resources created.
Summary of bilateral results