Applying methodologies for innovation and entrepreneurship, as well as gender blind indicators will only repeat existing patriarchal patterns. These patterns are often invisible because the quantity and quality of participation of women in these fields, preventing us from identifying the invisible barriers that rural women face. The project aims to create awareness at decision-making levels in the entities and organizations involved in rural development and assistance to rural women at at risk of exclusion. Coordinated actions will be developed to strengthen and develop actions dedicated to the defense of the rights of Spanish rural women, ensuring greater presence of women in the institutions where decisions are made in rural areas (municipalities, cooperatives ...). Also, technical training organizations and rural stakeholders promoteing self-employment and female entrepreneurship in rural areas will be strenghthened. New technologies will also be promoted for the purpose of female employability and competitiveness improvement. The University of Bifröst has got long experience in this field and will contribute to increase the knowledge of rural women associations.
Summary of project results
The project aspired to improve employment of rural women. In order to reach this target, the project aimed its efforts at rural women, representatives of rural- and social organizations, partners in rural areas and government. This involved the enhancement of opportunities for development and employment creation, enhancing the generation business sector in booming sectors such as tourism, food industry, and so forth. As a result, the project has strengthened the technical capacity of rural associations, social economy enterprises, cooperatives, trade unions, and the like on issues such as cross gender inclusion in activities in rural areas, and have taken action to promote the economic empowerment of women´s rights. The Actions taken include notably knowledge exchange, a seminar on cross-gender inclusion, social economy, cooperatives and self-employment and specific thematic conferences on employment and self employment carried out in Andalusia, Castilla-La Mancha and Castilla-León.
Summary of bilateral results
Partner of donnor country transmits to the Project their expereince in transferring knowledge (good practices), stregthening the network of women´s struggle for equality and work for the benefit of rural women. His role was to train the members of rural associations, social economy enterprises and authorities women, cross-gender inclusión in activities in rural áreas and awareness actions that promote the empowerment of rural women and their rights.