Self-employment as a tool for the elimination of the wage gap between men and women

Project facts

Project promoter:
National Federation of employer associations and self-employed workers
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 144,500
The project is carried out in:


The project's main objective is to promote wage equality between men and women, considering self-employment and entrepreneurship as a fundamental tool for it. It also includes an analysis of the situation of self-employed with a view to understand the current situation and differences between businesses lead by women and men. The diffusion campaign will be carried out at national level in the more relevant press media. The slogan will be "Female entrepreneurs: More than a million of us have already started up, and you”. The second of our actions will be elaborating a study of employed men and women and entrepreneurs at national level, with the aim of showing their wage differences when running their own businesses. Moreover, we aim to find evidence of the possible existence of wage gap in businesses led by self-employed, and from these results submit a list of proposals to eliminate it.

Summary of project results

The aim of this project was to develop a diffusion campaign focused on promoting the wage equality between men and women, taking entrepreneurship as a basic tool to do so. Beyond the analysis of the self-employed group, which has been used to know which is the situation of the self-employed businesses, we have also organized a series of seminars to present the campaign and the project in order to obtain a greatest impact. A campaign has been carried out for dissemination of information and awareness purposes. The campaign has included the creation of a website of the project (see above), which provides all the project related information, the communication campaign and the research conducted. A banner of the campaign has been published on the organization website, a press conference and a press release have been made, and a wide communication and awareness campaign has been made, motivating women to self-employment. This campaign has made several publications and advertisements on the media, mainly on newspapers, and several radio interventions. A research on self-employment has been also carried out, with the purpose of deepening the knowledge of the situation in companies managed by selfemployed. The research has been focused on Spain and its comparison with Europe; the time framework was initially set in the years 2013 and 2014 and future perspectives, but it has been finally extended to the whole 20th century. A qualitative and quantitative study has been carried out, using official statistical sources, mainly from INE (Annual Survey on Salaries Structure), complemented by data from Eurostat, the Ministry of Employment and Social Security, and the National Employment Service (SEPE). The research has included as well information from primary sources such as discussion groups, interviews to experts and a survey filled by 550 workers, out of which 421 surveys were found valid. The study has concluded that there is higher wage equality among selfemployed workers than among employees, and that entrepreneurship is becoming more equal: the same proportion of women and men undertake an entrepreneurial project and this equality can be observed among entrepreneurs during the last five years. The study provides as well a description of the sociodemographic and sectoral features of self-employed workers.

Summary of bilateral results