Looking forward: programme for the employability and integration of women prisoners

Project facts

Project promoter:
Progressive women association Victoria Kent
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 38,656
The project is carried out in:

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There is a great need in the rehabilitation and reintegration of women prisoners group due to the large wage gap caused by the current economic crisis. The purpose of this project is to improve social inclusion strategies of female inmates through actions focused on improving employability skills among these women. The project will target prisons in three regions of Spain (Andalusia, Extremadura and Madrid). The project will incliude the organisation of workshops that include both theoretical and practical elements, and cross-content, in total 256 hours (64 hours of theory and 128 hours of practice and 64 hours of cross-training). This project will be implemented by the Association of Progressive Women "Vctoria Kent", in collaboration with two partners: Columba Pacis and the Association of Women Hispano-Moroccan Isla Verde.

Summary of project results

the main goal of the project was to strengthen strategies for the social inclusion of imprisoned women. Towards this direction, the project aimed to improve the employability and the personal and social skills of these women. In addition, the project aimed to develop specific resources for imprisoned women, that can be applied after the project. The project has been carried out in prisons of three Spanish regions (Andalusia, Extremadura and Madrid). The main activity has consisted on training actions for employment, with theoretical (64 hours) and practical contents (128 hours), as well as transversal training (64 hours), reaching 256 hours through 4 months. Training has been provided to 30 women. Training for employment has consisted focused on the occupation of comprehensive attention to dependent persons. Transversal training has included social skills, emotional intelligence and coaching, equality of opportunities, empowerment with gender perspective, resilience, conflict resolution, negotiation and leaderships, employment guidance, and practical philosophy for life. The project aimed that participant women achieved a 25% improvement on their score on indicators created by the project to evaluate three variables (empowerment, professional skills, and personal skills), and a 20% improvement on a fourth variable (social and labour integration capabilities). Empowerment, defined as the capabilities for social interaction, organization, decision making and conflict resolution, improved by 40% among participants. Professional capabilities, estimated through the courses participation and overcoming, improved by 30%. Personal capabilities, estimated through participation in activities and follow-up, improved by 30%. Finally, social and labour insertion capabilities, measured through users satisfaction surveys or the number of active job seeking actions performed by them, improved by 30%. Finally, a seminar of good practices exchange was organized where the project was presented and disseminated.

Summary of bilateral results