IGUAL€S - Project for the Analysis of Salary Differences between Men and Women in Spanish SMEs

Project facts

Project promoter:
Spanish Confederation of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises CEPYME
Project Number:
Target groups
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME)
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 148,447
The project is carried out in:


The project's general objective is to contribute to the reduction of gender pay differences in Spanish SMEs, identifying the factors that influence salary structures and disseminating good practices in Spanish and Norwegian SMEs. The project aims to identify the factors that affect salary structures for a thorough insight into gender pay differences. In addition, good practices in the detection, prevention and elimination of gender pay gaps will be identified and systematized with a view to develop and disseminate a practical guide and recommendations. The project will moreover raise awareness, inform and provide training for the elimination of the pay gap, and finally to promote the conciliation of family, personal and work life and to support a shared responsibility between women and men regarding family care activities.

Summary of project results

It was necessary to identify the factors that influence wages and to have a rigorous vision for which the statistical framework is not enough. The project results will be shown on the web (Guide). 300 additional copies of the Guide will be published and a new conference will be held. The overall objective of contributing to the reduction of the pay gap by understanding the factors that influence it and disseminating the best practices was achieved. Although it is difficult to estimate its impact because the project has just ended, many SMEs have learned about and have taken steps to eliminate the gap. All activities have been done, reaching their objectives. The website shows the results, best practices and the Guide. The events have helped to raise consciousness about the pay gap and some companies have been mentored for its elimination, the main benefit being learning the factors and how to eliminate it. The partners have strengthened their cooperation and exchanged experiences on promoting equal pay.

Summary of bilateral results