The economic crisis has shown the inefficiency of the efforts at palliating social exclusion. The current methods don't work: lack of coordination, a paternalist State and a lack of homogeneous criteria to address people in risk for exclusion programmes. INCLUE project promotes the efficiency and the impact of public and private actions in this area, encouraging a change in the way of dealing with social exclusion. INCLUE builds an innovative model of intervention, focused on quality of life and gender equality, rights, autonomy and citizenship of people in risk for exclusion. This model will contribute to progress on the homogeneity and collaboration between institutions. INCLUE brings the R&D&I to the attention to people in risk for exclusion. The model can be applied in policy-making and in resource planning for social inclusion in Galicia. The model includes tools to value the exclusion and to assess the results of intervention. These tools can be applied by public and private organizations who work in Galicia in order to have the same criteria to assessment and to evaluate the impact of the model.
Summary of project results
This Project was born from the need to stop and re-think the internal “whys” and “what fors”; to look for coherence between what the entity says it does and what it actually does. It was an opportunity for internal reflection. INCLUE has allowed to increase their efficacy and rediscover the power of the bonds; understanding that quality and professional programmes are not opposed to the principles they have: care, support and affection. They declare to have a challenge which is the cultural change in the service provision for persons in extreme exclusion situations. This service provision needs to repair the relationships, dynamics, the collective images, the stakeholders positions, generate knowledge, innovate, self-criticism and also putting in value their work. The challenge must be addressed collectively and be led by the public authorities to increase the reaction capacity of the third sector organisations with the support and complicity of the society as a whole. During the project a diagnosis on how do the NGOs manage their service provision procedures was conducted. It was important to count on innovative experts in various fields to work with them in these documents. 16 NGOs signed agreements so they worked together in reflecting on the diagnosis and then jointly build a tool that could be used by all the public administrations and NGOs fighting against exclusion.
Summary of bilateral results