Information about the Third Social Sector (TSS) in Spain is limited and not up-to-date. There is evidence that, following years of increasing growth of the TSS, the economic crisis has had a negative impact on the TSS. The predefined project aims to contribute to information on this situation, and to provide knowledge regarding how civil society can be strengthened to play its role in contributing to social justice, democracy and sustainable development. The research addresses the impact of the economic crisis, the need for a better understanding of the current situation but also to the positioning and role of the Spanish Third Social Sector for the future. The predefined project will consist in interactive research, focusing on two dimensions: the first focused on the impact of the crisis on the TSS, and the second on the new challenges and responses from the TSS with a view towards the future. Due to reasons related to the contents and design of the research, the level of specialization required, and the time available, each dimension will be developed by two distinct research teams working complementarily.
Summary of project results
It is easier to analyse data than trends or opinions. For this reason this study has been developed complementary to the Diagnostic (0041). In order to collect different opinions and points of view, the following methods were developed: analysis of existing secondary sources, case studies of good practices and experiences representing positive changes; qualitative interview of key actors, including leaders and key actors from the Third Sector, relevant people in the Spanish civil society, representatives from other stakeholders; focus groups and thematic workshops aiming to deepen the key issues identified in the research as well as potential proposals for actions in the future. The Study illustrates that the Third Sector of Social Action (TSSA) seeks to convert its limitations in new opportunities for sustainable development based, for example, on: intensify networking; expand and strengthen the connection between the TSSA and social economy; or strengthen its institutional capacity to be a necessary and effective actor of social reform towards ending the crisis. Some of the future challenges analysed can be summarized in further adapting to the growing and more complex social needs; develop a comprehensive and coordinated strategy to adapt to changes in its social base and update its vision of volunteering; establish itself as a space for participation and develop the social innovation. The Study says that one alternative is to reconcile the two souls of the TSSA, the logic of social transformation, social participation and political impact on the one hand, and the logic of quality service provision, innovation, networking and the development of sustainable projects on the other. The Study has completely achieved its expectations helping to enlighten the consequences of the crisis for the Third Social Sector in Spain, how the sector has responded and their future challenges. This study together the Diagnostic (0041), have contributed to:Provide ideas and proposals to strengthen the Third Sector;Consider recommendations for changes in the current policies;Analyse strategic options for the future of the NGOs involved in the social sector;Analyse how improvements to the regulatory framework for independent civil society can be made;Give key elements that could foster social dialogue, and active citizenship;Explain opportunities and potentialities for action of the Third Social Sector and its new positioning after the crisis.
Summary of bilateral results