Coordinadora, as a social organization working with children and youth, is known among targeted families in our filed of intervention and Public Bodies of Vallecas. The needs of the our daily work require the teams be trained in new methodologies and contents taught by trained professionals. It is necessary to improve the efficiency of social organizations working with suppliers and involving them in their social projects. The objective of the project is to develop a network of quality work where the number of children and young people with their families who has broken the cycle of risk and / or social exclusion in the districts of Puente de Vallecas and Villa de Vallecas in Madrid is increased through the implementation of intervention programmes. The direct beneficiaries of the activities planned are educators of social entities. Their profile : females (63 %) aged 21-30 years (44%), unmarried and without children (75 %) , university graduated (54%), involved in the entity about a year (31%) or after this first period comes to bond around 5 years (20%) and engaged in the entity an average of 2/4 hours per week (50 %).
Summary of project results
Coordinadora de Vallecas is a network of social organizations that has 25 years old and works for children and youth people in Vallecas area, Madrid. The objective of the project has been to improve the work they have been done previously through a communication plan, training as well as quality and networking activities, with the aim to gain new members and strengthen those who already had In those 17 months Coordinadora has improved its processes, which have been audited in accordance with ISO 9001. They have developed an innovative Communication Plan. They have worked in training tools according to the current scenarios. Furthermore, they have generated social impact through a political agenda and created, in partnership with other organizations, networking spaces with leading companies in Vallecas in order to participate in their RSC activities. Coordinadora pointed out at the end of the implementation of the project, that one of the reasons of success has been the development of elements of control and quality evaluation, implemented by the Active Citizenship Program.
Summary of bilateral results