Through Agra Civis, the 30,000 people who make up the borough of Agra do Orzán will open a process of discovery and affirmation of their identity as a community, intensifying their participation in associations and in the decision -making process. the project will continue the work initiated by Ecos do Sur in this neighbourhood with the Agra -Active project, advancing in community empowerment, facilitating dialogue and political and social impact of citizens through the most vulnerable groups in the area, as young people, immigrants, women or the elderly. The main objective: to generate well-being and socio-economic development thanks to the coordination and strengthening of Agra do Orzan's associations and creating spaces of encounter and debate.
Summary of project results
This initiative consisting in a community plan based on participatory methods, was succesfuly implemented after some initial obstacles, having to do with no previous joint work of the partnership. The final major result is a plan, a self-diagnosis done with some hundreds of participants (neighbours, companies, etc) who carefully looked into the future and proposed concrete measures to improve the Orzan area. Several NGOs strengthened during this exchange and opening to the community; an immigrant women NGO, a youth NGO, a development NGO and a theater association got together and learned how to build confidence. Apart from the published diagnosis and the meetings and activities at the streets, a video was produced with interviews to experts and other stakeholders in the neighbourhood.
Summary of bilateral results