The aim of the project is to improve the competence of specialists working and studying on different levels, to increase the cooperation on working with victims of domestic and gender violence and to increase the public and victim awareness. The following actions are planned to achieve this: offering domestic and gender based violence victims individual psychological and juridical counseling, running support and self-development group therapy. with the goal to reduce/prevent the factors keeping person in risk-group (e.g. low self-esteem, unemployment, social skills, psychological problems); to improve the intervention-methods and to get new information from target group, which would help to develop new training and cooperation programs. As a result, victims’ awareness of the influence of domestic violence will rise and individual action plans have been made together with different specialists to deal with the problem. The project will also map schooling programs, addressed to specialists working with domestic and gender violence victims, which are active in Estonia today.
Summary of project results
The goal of the Project was to raise awareness of victims and public knowledge of domestic and gender-based violence. To help to reach the tärget following activities were carried out: Seminars were arranged to inform local people of the Project. Individual psychological and Juridical counselling for 48 women. As a result of it victims self belief and confidence rose and they were more emotionally balanced after the counselling. 3 group therapy in 80 hours and one group therapy in 40 hours for 28 victims of domestic and gender-based violence. The knwoledge of participants rose to deal with emotions and at communicating with family. Problem solving skills also got better and victims were more able to impose themselves. The reults were measured relying on Kirkpatric method.
Summary of bilateral results