The project aims at creating a sustainable school policy through protection of nature and promoting an environmentally-friendly lifestyle, as well as enhancing understanding of democracy and human rights, welfare and health, cultural diversity and joy of creativity. The activities include a science field trip (focus on physics, chemistry, biology and geography) to observe the peculiarities of both countries. A study kit for teachers about nature and environment of Estonia and Iceland will also be created.The study kit will include video material, interactive exercises, worksheets etc. and will be made available to any school interested. Finally, the project will focus on teacher development in both schools based on the comparison of school curricula, experience and good practice. Exchange of good practice and cooperation between teachers in both schools increases teacher motivation, which is again reflected on the learning environment.
Summary of project results
The main focus of the project was around the topic sustainability and was aimed for teachers in upper secondary school. The aim was not only to focus on the environmental aspects of sustainability, but broadening the understanding of sustainable education. The project had three main outcomes. 1. Sustainable School Policy was created and renewed. Viimsi Secondary school created the general concept based on the example of the partner school that is a guidance for the school in longer time period. Fjölbrautaskólinn við Ármúla renewed existing Sustainable School Policy based on which the Sustainable Management and Activity Plan (SMAP) for one school year was created. 2. Estonian-Icelandic study materials for various subjects and videoclips of Icelandic nature were created. In order to create the study materials, two field trips were organized. One took place in Estonia in March 2014 and the second in Iceland in September 2014. 3. The math-science fields of study in both partner schools was analysed and developed further. The project outcomes and results can be seen on the project website The aims/objectives set in the application were entirely achieved. The project helped to rise the awareness about sustainability among staff as well as among pupils. The sustainable school policy was created and developed etc. All the aims described in the report corresponded to the application. All outcomes were achieved and are made available on the project website: The study materials are of very good quality:
Summary of bilateral results
Since the independence of Estonia there always has been a strong relationship between Estonia and Iceland. During project meetings as well as suring everyday cooperation project cooperation the schools learned learned that theyface the same problems in their daily school work: motivation of students, dropouts and new teaching methodologies. In the project work on sustainability, creating study material and developing a new curriculum for natural science and maths the partners worked very close together and got inspired by each others' work. In both schools the school leadership was involved in the project which had also positive effect making the changes and further developments on the management level Cooperation, joint results, and increased mutual knowledge and understanding between partner schools was established through smooth cooperation, shared outcomes, knowledge and mutual understanding and added value through experiencing the nature and culture of both countries.