Mobility Project University of Tartu 2015

Project facts

Project promoter:
University of Tartu
Project Number:
Target groups
Teachers, trainers, managers, leaders and other staff within higher education institutions,
Students and trainees in all forms of higher education level education and training
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 15,766
The project is carried out in:


The University of Tartu is planning to integrate mobility windows to its degree programmes, thus international collaboration and fruitful mobility strongly influences UT's objectives and mission linked to this. The project is needed to improve diagnosis and therapy of glioma, the most common and deadly brain tumor, by combining the expertise of Teesalu laboratory in drug delivery systems and Bjerkvig laboratory in glioma models and imaging; to introduce research topics that are not dealt with in Estonia or are dealt with from different aspects; the two universities in Norway have also benefited from the visits of our scholars, teachers and administrative staff who can teach, take part in conferences and workshops; to enhance human capital of project partners by providing international teaching experience and training, and contribute to the development of the knowledge-based economy through cooperation in the field of IT law. The expected outcomes of the project include: 1) intensified academic cooperation between the project partners, 2) raised awareness of the staff of UT in the fields of international law, consumer law. 4. knowledge transfer between the partners and initialization of the network for future cooperation. Expected outcome is established connection between the partners and mutual understanding of the needs/possibilities for both sides. 5. internship provides the students with an experience in applying knowledge and skills acquired in the classroom in a professional setting, with the purpose of preparing students for entering the labor market in the best possible position.

Summary of project results

The objectives were fulfilled. All participants evaluated their experience in the EMP Norway programme very highly. The programme has increased staff's awareness and readiness to work in international and multicultural community. Moreover, the mobilities have contributed to the development of various international cooperation projects and enhancement of study and traineeship options. UT is planning to integrate mobility windows to its degree programmes, thus international collaboration and fruitful mobility strongly influences UT's objectives and mission linked to this. UT regards staff and students mobilities and its impact on enhancing international learning and teaching environment very important asset for the whole institution. The objectives of the programme fully supported the impact. The participating students were all very satisfied with the programme/traineeship placement. Their overall evaluation was almost maximum.They all considered the study abroad experience very valuable for their future career. Wider effect are related mostly to bilateral correspondence in general. In some cases it was rather difficult to get contacts on central level, if there were only close contacts on academic level. In many cases it took extra work to explain the scholarship's paperwork to Norwegian partners.

Summary of bilateral results

All communication with the partner institution went rather smoothly