More effective management solutions are necessary in order to save the financial and natural resources and time. The project idea is to create hardware and software solution CACSI (Collect-Analyse-Consult-Sell-Inspire) for SME’s in retail sector. The solution enables to: collect and link data with different structure; analyse the data and structure the results; consult the client using rapid reproduction of structured data; sales execution and paperless recording; inspire the customers. This project, supported under the small grant scheme, will aim to further elaborate the project idea with the aim of preparing the project application for the main open call under the GII programme. The aim of the small grant scheme is to analyse the market situation, competitive environment, product specification, business model, to clarify the necessity and feasibility of the project to frame the business plan and to search for potential partners to be involved in the project.
Summary of project results
Project was needed to to create hardware and software solution CACSI (Collect-Analyse-Consult-Sell-Inspire) for SME’s in retail sector to enable to collect and link data, analyse and structure the data, consult the client and manage sales execution and paperless recording. All conducted activities are reflected in project final report and the results are sustained through preparation of the open call project together with project partners. The objective of the project was to analyse the market situation, competitive environment, product specification, business model, to clarify the necessity and feasibility of the project to frame the business plan and to search for potential partners to be involved in the project. As all planned activities were conducted and presented in the final report, the objective can be considered reached. Project promoters have delivered a thoroughly prepared business idea for further competition in the open call. As the project ended with successful partner search, taking in one technical partner for future developments, the involvment of beneficiaries can be considered fulfilled.
Summary of bilateral results