Reducing water pollution is one of the many actions which are necessary in order to reduce the climate change. In this context the project idea is to develop an oil spill detection system based on information and laser remote sensing technology. The system will help to raise the efficiency of an oil spill detection, localization and liquidation. This project, supported under the small grant scheme, will aim to further elaborate the project idea with the aim of preparing the project application for the main open call under the GII programme. The project focus will be on collecting and analysing additional background information of the business idea about its technological and commercial feasibility, finding the best possible model for commercialisation and developing pilot project plan and business plan. The funding will also be used to find the best combination of partners while keeping in mind the needs for technological development and subsequent commercialisation of the technology.
Summary of project results
The project was necessary to prepare open call project application and activities for first open call. The project idea is to develop an oil spill detection system based on information and laser remote sensing technology. The small grant project objective is achieved. As result of the small grant project the project additional background information of the business idea and its technological, environmental and commercial feasibility is analysed, project and business plan is developed. Longer project period would have enabled to meet more partners, whose letters of intent shall be submitted as additional documents during the open call project evaluation. Current small grant scheme project ended with consortium agreement of the cooperation form for the open call project activities and action plan to ensure the successful piloting of the developed solution. Project results can be considered as sustainable as the open call project was submitted to the first open call round as a result of the project.
Summary of bilateral results