Since 2003 Estonia has taken measures to ensure the integration of children from families of newly arrived immigrants and Roma, incl. teacher training and publication of teaching/study materials. However, there is still a problem with regard to counselling of schools – they lack information; are not sufficiently skilled in involvement of pupils in joint studies in classrooms; weak capacity to establish joint working relations with family members. In order to solve the problem, the project intends to establish a sustainable counselling system all over Estonia through organising supervision seminars for teachers, capacity-building of already-existing educational counselling centres and strengthening the information dissemination and state-wide network. The partnership aims at organising supervision seminars for school headmasters and teachers,training courses and classroom monitoring visits for specialists of regional educational counselling centres and improving the exchange of information.
Summary of project results
The overall objective of the project was to ensure equal opportunities in the Estonian education system for children from families of newly arrived immigrants and Roma peole. Direct objective was to improve the counselling services for teachers of children from families of newly arrived immigrants and Roma people and to increase the competence of counselling specialists in the field. As a result of Project, the confidence of schools has been increased in the work with the target group. During the Project, the following activities were carried out with relevant outputs: 1) 14 supervision seminars were conducted in the period December 2014 – April 2016, with 242 participants of target group in total 2) 7 training courses were conducted in the period from November 2015 – January 2016, with 73 participants of target group in total 3) the new website „Child with non-Estonian mother tongue“ was launched as sup-page of website of Foundation INNOVE, at
Summary of bilateral results