Development of children's communication and problem-solving skills

Project facts

Project promoter:
Võru County Government
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 43,341
The project is carried out in:


The project aims at the early detection of and intervention in adolescent criminal behavior and its risk factors. The project activities are focused on the realization of effective methods for local community crime prevention activities involving children, parents, local governments, specialists and non-governmental organizations. A particular focus will be paid to early detection and intervention by contributing to children’s social and problem-solving skills development and parent support. Activities are directed at the development of networking between different organizations. The project aim will be achieved through a children social and problem-solving skills learning program, and the use of the media and networking between different target groups and project partners. The program will be provided in 7 different schools during 9 months as part of the study program. In addition 72 new specialists who will use the program in future activities will be trained and guided during the project period. Moreover there is cooperation between Estonian and Norwegian organizations exchanging experience of different preventative activities and methods.

Summary of project results

During the project was organized a seminar to introduce teachers and other supporting specialists working with children PALS (in English PBIS, Positive Behavior Intervention and Support) and PMTO (Parent Management Training-Oregon) methods using in Undarheim Skule in Norway and schoolyouth SLT program (alcohol, tobacco and drugs addiction, also criminal surveillance and support system for young criminals to prevent reoffending behaviour) which in use in Kvinnherad community. During the seminar were introduced preventative programs used in Võru county local schools (“Free of Bulling!” and “Development of children's communication and problem-solving skills“). Võru County Government introduced methods working with adolescent commission and prevention of reoffending behaviour. In round tables were discussions about project results and further cooperation between Estonian and Norwegian partners with project team members, county governor and leader of the Association of Municipalities of Võru county. Second round table took place in cooperation with Võru Pathfinder Centre to give to foreign experts an overview of Estonia's support system.

Summary of bilateral results

Mostly the Project promoter cooperated with Undarheim Skule, which was also their partner in the main project. In the frames of the main project Estonian partners visited Kvinnherad municipality and Undarheim school in May 2015. .Norwegian experts visited also Estonia. Visits gave a possibility to strength the cooperation between Estonian and Norwegian partners through exchange of experience and good practices.