The main objective of the predefined project is to develop judicial and organisational framework and cross-sectorial support system for implementing measures for children and families. The main outcomes of the project are initiating cross- sectorial support system for children and youth, offering effective services to cover their multiple problems and prevent risks. The project strategy is based on several principles, such as; reducing the risks of children and youth, supporting their families on different levels (local, regional and state) and implementing preventive, evidence-based, systematic cross-sectorial approaches. The project target groups are state and LG authorities, NGOs, specialists, children and families, private sector. The project donor partner is the Regional Office for Children, Youth and Family Affairs, Northern Norway (Barne-, ungdoms og familieetaten, region nord Bufetat) which consultes the implementation of project activities througout the project implementation period.
Summary of project results
The aim of the Project was to develop a cross-sectorial support system to alleviate the risks affecting children and youth and to improve the wellbeing of children and youth, complete with development of an appropriate legal and organisational framework, application of the necessary measures, and ensuring of their quality. Cross-sectorial co-operation and preventive work, as well as development of evidence-based interventions, are emphasized. The document „Concept for Improving the Support System for Children and Youth at Risk“ describes the main challenges at establishing the cross-sectorial (healthcare, legal protection, education, welfare system, etc.) support system for children and youth at risk, and recommends the most vital courses of action to the state for the purposes of ensuring more streamlined operation and smoother co-operation. During the project period two evidence-based programmes - positive parenting programme „Incredible Years“ and family-based intervention programme MDFT to support youth suffering from serious behavioural problems and their families – were implemented. All together there were 57 (30 in Estonian, 27 in Russian) groups carried out for 523 parents in cooperation with 21 local governments (LG). In parallel with the parents’ groups trainings the impact of the program's implementation and results were assessed. Family-based MDFT targets a range of adolescent problem behaviours – substance abuse, antisocial and aggressive behaviours, school and family problems, and emotional difficulties. MDFT is used as an alternative to residential treatment, and which utilizes individual and family therapy to address the issues leading to problem behaviour. Referrals to the program are made by the youth probation, prosecutor, court and juvenile commission staff. During the period there were 5 MDFT teams ( East, West, North, South district and one team in Viru prison) in operation. By the end of project 184 families have gone through the program, the work was ongoing with 102 families on the support of state budget. For consulting the LGs necessary tools (The mapping of existing regional prevention service providers and services for children and families; The handbook for LGs "Quality development in supporting the well-being of children and families„; The child and family welfare profile and instructions for filling it) were created, piloted and tested in 8 selected LGs.
Summary of bilateral results
The project donor partner, the Regional Office for Children, Youth and Family Affairs, Northern Norway provided consultation in creation of „The Concept for Improving the Support System for Children and Youth at Risk“ and also for implementation of the positive parenting programme „Incredible Years“. The concept is available here:….