Common Youth

Project facts

Project promoter:
Estonian National Youth Council
Project Number:
Target groups
Children ,
Juvenile and young offenders
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 127,933
The project is carried out in:


The aim of the project is to raise tolerance, to improve social inclusion of young people, to build a network between youth organisations and different organisations working with target group youth. As an outcome of the project youth organisatons are better prepared and more willing to work with target group youth. A base for sustainable cooperation between different actors has been formed. It is a cooperative project that brings together youth organizations, associations working with target group youth, experts in the field. Parties included in the project: youth organizations, regional governments, NGOs working with troubled youth.

Summary of project results

In 2015 Estonian National Youth Council set off a project „Common Youth“ to provide activities for children and youth at risk. Eight other youth associations took part in the Project. There was three main ends to the co-operation project: 1) building capacity and raising the awareness among youth organizations on how to involve youth at risk; 2) raising the tolerance, increasing the entrepreneurial mindset and awareness of a better health behaviour among the target youth group; 3) creating a sustainable network of youth associations and institutions dealing with young audiences. Project’s target group was 7-17-year-olds who have committed crimes or offences and who live in conditions of risk. Over 1000 kids and youngsters from regions with higher rate of unemployment and fewer opportunities have taken part in the project activities. Three support packages were developed under the programme, two of them preventive and one socially reintegrating. Support packages were developed in teams that were assisted by professional mentors in order to achieve best results on carrying out the projects. At the beginning of the project a study „Youth Associations’ Current Cooperation with Youth at Risk - bottlenecks and opportunities“ was completed. In parallel with the project activities an impact assessment process took place. The impact of both main goals was assessed. Project’s final conference was held on 11 March in Tallinn where support packages and project’s impact study were more closely introduced. The project filled most of the expectations set by youth associations – they got the experience to work with target group youths and their competence increased. Project reached 1276 youngsters, including: ● 65 hearing-impaired youngsters, ● at least 8 LGBTQI youths, ● 275 Russian-speaking youths, ● at least 8 youngsters who had violated the law, ● 50 different partners were involved, ● 63 tools, which can be distributed henceforth, were developed, ● associations trained 33 team members, ● 68 different events and lectures were held.

Summary of bilateral results