Training program for youth workers

Project facts

Project promoter:
Estonian LGBT Association
Project Number:
Target groups
Young adults,
LGTB - lesbian, gay, transsexual, bisexual
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 35,180
The project is carried out in:


The work of the Estonian LGBT Association with youth workers since 2011 has shown a lack of awareness and skills among youth workers in including and supporting LGBT youth. Youth workers have few skills to successfully deal with homo- and transphobic bullying. The aim of the project is to work towards a safe and supportive environment for LGBT youth, to reduce discrimination and inequality stemming from negative attitudes. The main target group of the project are youth workers at youth centres, and the greatest beneficiaries are the youth visiting these centres. Main activities include carrying out trainings for youth workers, creating a guide for making the environment of youth centres more inclusive, piloting the guide in five centres. In addition, the curriculum of Youth Work at the Tallinn University Pedagogical College will be analysed and changes suggested to ensure better preparation of future youth workers. Project partners are Estonian Youth Workers Association and Norwegian LGBT organisation LLH.

Summary of project results

The aim of this project was to work towards a safe and supportive environment for LGBT youth, to reduce discrimination and inequality stemming from negative attitudes. The main target group of the project were youth workers at youth centres; greatest beneficiaries were the youth visiting the centres. Together with its partners Estonian LGBT Association created and conducted training on LGBT and human rights issues for specialists working with youth (youth centre workers, youth work university students, teachers and specialists from other fields) and compiled a learning game which creates an opportunity to talk with youth about labelling, tolerance and human rights issues on a broader scale than the work of youth centres and youth work. More people are now involved with increasing awareness on LGBT issues including youth work faculty and students. The association’s own workers and their partners are now more competent in the field of youth work. LGBT youth had the opportunity to speak-up in the project framework about their expectations regarding youth centres; other interest groups were also engaged and are represented in the learning game (for example a deaf using sign language, a vegan, civic activist).

Summary of bilateral results

the project partner was Landsforeningen for lesbiske, homofile, bifile og transpersoner (LLH), Norwegian LGBT organisation. During a study visit Estonian LGBT Assosciation learned about their country's human rights and LGBT situation, about their trainings, training results, methods, as well as made new contacts. Study trip encouraged to think more broadly about the planned training and guidance materials and new ideas were developed.