The goal of the project is to raise awareness of young people on democratic practices and increase their civic participation and interest in political processes. The project is targeted at young people at the age of 17 to 30 in Southern Estonia. During the project young people take part in a democracy school where participants get theoretical and practical knowledge as well as hands-on experience on how to run and manage an NGO. Project partner, Development Centre of Võru County will be responsible for disseminating information to the target group, assist in preparing the workshops as well as in sharing the results of the project and if needed, will provide consultation. Project partner will organise citizenship conference during the 2013 Citizen’s Week where the results of this project will be introduced.
Summary of project results
The aim of project was to raise awareness of democracy in the region for young people and encourage them to participate in shaping of policies and decision-making through civic means. About 70 young people participated in the project activities. During South-East Estonia Youth Democracy School practical workshops were held, participants received training on civic skills and went on a study trip. The project resulted in raised awareness of young people on knowledge and skills in creation of an NGO, its functioning, designing project applications, as well as from project implementation to reporting, and a basic understanding of teamwork. So-called six test NGOs were created and six different projects (events) were prepared and carried out. The ultimate goal of the project was to develop a methodology for working with youth on similar issues. the methodology has been analysed and it is being currently implemented by the Regional Development Centre of Põlva County in youth-oriented project. Out of project participants 11 youths have started working for different NGO-s and three of them have started as project managers due to skills acquired during the project. Additionally, two new nonprofit organizations have been established. In summary Põlva and Võru county youth are more knowledgeable about the possibilities in civil society and they have got more tools to use these opportunities.
Summary of bilateral results