The aim of the project is the improvement of knowledge in Russian language about domestic violence and increased possibilities for Russian speakers to get help in Tartu and surrounding counties. There are many Russian speaking women coming to the shelter that only get information about our services from indirect sources. At the same time, based on our experience in serving them, the topic is an important one in the Russian community. During the project, employees will be trained to better communicate, translate existing forms and web-page materials into Russian. We will also create info materials that will be distributed in public places where victims often are (police, hospitals etc). We will also create training materials for Russian students and lectures based on those materials. Our project will also focus on long term prevention, by raising awareness and educating young people via lectures given in Russian language schools. Primary beneficiaries of the project are Russian speaking victims of domestic violence. Secondary beneficiaries will be Russian speaking students who will get introduction to the topic via lectures.
Summary of project results
Aim of the project was to enhance the availibility of information about domestic violence in Russian. Information consist general information about domestic violence, support systems and availiability of help in Tartu, Tartumaa and in counties nearby. One of the goals was also to carry out trainings for Russian speaking target group. Outputs of the project: (1) Website was translated to Russian. (2) 6000 informative leaflets about domestic violence were printed: 3000 about domestic violence and 3000 about sexual assault. (3) Employees of WSIC participated in a training where they advanced their professional Russian skills and knowhow about Russian culture. (4) 10 trainings were carried out for Russian youth. Results will be sustained by continuing carrying out organisations’ daily activities and improving website in Russian and continuing sharing leaflets in Russian. All carried out activities enhance gender equality and human rights in general.
Summary of bilateral results