The project aims at contributing to systematic positive change in how human rights education is provided in Estonia in both formal and non-formal education sectors through creating a network of Human Rights Friendly Schools, and providing NGOs from the same communities with relevant training and long-term usable materials. Special attention will be paid to involving organisations and schools of national minorities, including those based in Ida-Virumaa. The project also enhances human rights education work between relevant actors in Estonia, initiating an annual human rights education organisations‘ meeting for show-casing various projects and initiatives in the field and establishing further partnerships and joint projects. Partners for the project are Estonian Institute of Human Rights (coord.), the Ministry of Education and Science Estonia, NGO „Open Republic“, Helsinki Committee Norway.
Summary of project results
The project aimed at contributing to systematic positive change in how human rights education is provided in Estonia in both formal and non-formal education sectors. The project resulted in the creation a network of 12 Human Rights Respecting Schools, the translation and publication in Estonian language of the Compass manual, its use in schools and a dedicated study plan developed in cooperation with Ministry of Education specialists, human rights education training for NGOs. This way of working can be applied to other schools. The manual is put in use in various educational settings. People trained act as multipliers for human rights education.The project also contributed at enhancing human rights education work between relevant actors in Estonia, by way of initiating a periodic human rights education organisations‘ meeting for show-casing various projects and initiatives in the field and establish further partnerships and joint projects. The project was developed in cooperation with NGO Open Republic and Norway Helsinki Committee.The project aimed at paying special attention to involving organisations, youth workers and schools based in Ida-Virumaa, so Open Republic used its networks and connections in the region to reach out to the schools with Russian speaking students, NGOs and youth workers from Ida-Virumaa and participated in the training for this target public. In the future we plan together further trainings based on Compass manual. The role of the Norway Helsinki Committee was to share the Norwegian state-of-the-art of human rights education with the Estonian stakeholders and contribute to the discussion of how should human rights education be organised in the future. We look together for other opportunities to cooperate in the future.
Summary of bilateral results
The role of the Helsinki Committee was to share the Norwegian state-of-the-art of human rights education with the Estonian stakeholders and contribute to the discussion of how should human rights education be organised in the future. NHC representative participated at the Human Rights in Education Forum in August 2014 and shared their experience in teaching and practising human rights to the participants, including teachers, school administrators, Ministry of Education and Research representatives, etc. EIHR and NHC are discussing other opportunities to cooperate in the future.