Coalition of Citizenship Education

Project facts

Project promoter:
Foundation Domus Dorpatensis
Project Number:
Target groups
Public and private organizations, including not-for-profit organizations and NGOs, responsible for the organization and delivery of education and training at local, regional and national levels,
Bodies responsible for systems and policies in education and local, regional and/or national level.
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 85,989
The project is carried out in:


Active and responsible citizens who participate in the society are the basis of democratic society. It is crucial that well developed and wide-spread citizenship education possibilities exist to educate young citizens. Project aims to critically examine the existing non-formal citizenship education programmes, offer ideas how to make programs more cohesive and mark the logical options to take in the process. After the project three participating programs have developed their sustainability and became more professional offering citizenship education as “syllabuses” of these programmes are logical and connected if possible and reasonable. Moreover, Coalition of Citizenship Education aims to actively participate and encourage other educational institutions to include citizenship educations to their systems, ensuring various possibilities to participate for the citizens.

Summary of project results

Active and responsible citizens who participate in the society are the basis of democratic society. It is crucial that well developed and wide-spread citizenship education possibilities exist to educate young citizens. The aim of the project was to critically examine the existing non-formal citizenship education programmes, offer ideas how to make programs more cohesive and mark the logical options to take in the process. The project had three main objectives, which were all largely met: - Organisations involved in civic education work together and share resources. During the project, a civic education coalition of 11 organisations was created, in order to strengthen each member’s ability to develop civic competences. The network will continue to work together post-project, led by Domus Dorpatensis. Also, a civic education database was created and will continue to be publicised among target groups. - State policies support growth of non-formal programs and their integration with formal education. As a result of the project, state support for civic education programs is now a part of the state civil society development plan. A representative of the ministry of internal affairs is also taking part of the meetings of our coalition. - The programs involved in the project become high-quality and involve more young people. As a result, DD Academy was renewed into an evidence based program with methods and materials that will be used in years to come. NENO (EMSL) Community Practice has reached 700 students in 13 schools during the projects, and has developed a model and acquired finances to reach over 3000 students in 2018. The third partner, ENTRUM was a well-functioning program, but was terminated by its main financer due to reasons unrelated to the project.

Summary of bilateral results