BPW Estonia – strengthening the organistion

Project facts

Project promoter:
MTÜ BPW Estonia
Project Number:
Target groups
Non governmental organisation
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 6,606
The project is carried out in:

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The aim of the project „BPW Estonia – strenghtening the organistion“ is to lift the organisation’s activities to a new qualitative level, attract new active members and develop a training program for empowering and encouraging women. In order to achieve this, a specific training program is developed that is based on the training program „Women Empowerment Princples“ developed in BPW Europe. There will be 75 people both from among BPW`s current members and potential new members trained in different groups.

Summary of project results

The NGO BPW Estonia was in the situation where several founding members of the organisation where about to retire and organisation needed young and active new members.Therefore, the aim of the project was to lift organisatsion’s activities into new qualitative level, attract new active members and develop a training program for empowering and encouraging women. In order to achieve this, a specific training program was developed which is based on the training program „Women Empowerment Princoples“ developed in BPW Europe. Five training sessions were implemented and in total 72 women were trained. As the result of the project, BPWE as an organisation has become more active and stronger. Also in 2013, we had more visitors than many previous years. Which in turn shows, that the organisation has become more visible through its activities in the society. The impact of the project has been reached at different levels. At the organisational level, BPWE has definitely gained more visibility and attracted therefore new women to join. From the inside, some “silent” members have become more active than before. Due to the successful implementation of the PEP training in Estonia, our training team has now a leading role in developing the programme further as European and international training and mentoring programme.

Summary of bilateral results