There is no systematic monitoring for Nature Directive, (Appendix 1) coastal habitats in Estonia. Existing spatial data is based on expert assessments only. For several reasons, there are still no criteria elaborated for evaluating good environmental state of the coastal habitats – habitats are relatively young or dynamic. The main aim of the project is to elaborate long-lasting and cost-effective methodology for evaluating good environmental state of coastal habitats by taking into account the landscapes as dynamical systems. The results of the project will be disseminated among several stakeholders (State, local authorities, private enterprises, local inhabitants, land owners and -managers, tourists), enabling us to increase environmental awareness. Moreover, decision makers can use our high quality input (scientifically approved) in their management and development plans. In long run, environmental awareness helps to preserve favourable areas and favourable state of the coastal habitats, which in turn contributes to a better environmental state of coastal environment and integrated coastal management plans.
Summary of project results
The project was needed for several reasons. Firstly, there was no systematic monitoring done for Nature Directive, (Appendix 1) coastal habitats in Estonia, also lack of methodology. Secondly, existing spatial data was incomplete and based on expert assessments only. Thirdly, there were no criteria elaborated for evaluating good environmental state of the coastal habitats (habitats are relatively young or dynamic). The main aim of the project was to elaborate long-lasting and cost-effective methodology for evaluating good environmental state of coastal habitats by taking into account the landscapes as dynamical systems. Project results will provide adequate information about the environmental state of the coastal habitats. Therefore decisions concerning coastal regions will be well-considered. To achieve planned results they carried out following. Coastal inland (terrestrial) habitats spatial database was updated. Monitoring methodology was developed for Nature Directive, (Appendix 1) coastal habitats in Estonia. Favourable conservation status criteria were developed. Reference (first cycle) monitoring was carried out. Project results are disseminated among stakeholder to increase environmental awareness. In addition static web page was developed and booklet was made. The main aim of the project was achieved and therefore the main beneficiaries are able to use created methodology for monitoring for Natura Directive, (Appendix 1) coastal habitats in Estonia. Materials were created for determing favourable conservation status of the coastal (terrestrial) habitats in Estonia.
Summary of bilateral results