The project is needed to implement the marine strategy framework directive MSFD.The objective is to develop and implement marine strategy in order to achieve the target set by MSFD. Outcome is regionally coordinated cost-effective monitoring programme and programme of measures for Estonian marine waters. A feasibility study and environmental impact study of using LNG as a ship fuel will be also compiled. Project outputs will be achieved by involving the best experts in this field and making cooperation with target groups and international projects, also wider public will be involved to the development of marine strategy. Target groups: MoE, Estonian Environment Agency, the Environmental Board, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Estonian Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Agriculture, Estonian Ministry of Education and Research and other interested parties. IMR participates in development of the monitoring programme and programme of measures. NILU participates in the environmental impact study on the use of LNG as ship fuel. The partnership will provide knowledge and experience exchange and will lead to wider cooperation.
Summary of project results
As a result of the project the environmental status of our marine area was analysed, environmental targets ensuring the achievement of good environmental status (GES) were specified and pressures affecting the environmental status were described together with their possible changes until 2020. The measures already implemented and those which implementation has been planned (in the frames of other regulations), were analysed and based on a gap analysis additional measures were proposed for achieving GES. In addition the cost efficiency and impact of proposed new measures were assessed. Proposed new measures are necessary to achieve the specified environmental targets, listed in the programme of measures, by 2020. At the same time, it is clear, that it’s not possible to achieve GES in all fields due to natural conditions which are linked to the limited water exchange between the Baltic Sea and the rest of the ocean. Therefore, some exceptions were proposed in the programme of measures, allowed by EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), on not achieving GES. An overview describing progress of the implementation of programme of measures will be done according to MSFD by the end of 2018. Due to natural conditions the effects of the measures to the marine environment can be assessed years after the measures have been implemented.
Summary of bilateral results
Norwegian Institute of Marine Research (IMR) participated in the development of the monitoring programme and the programme of measures by providing the know-how on the monitoring according to the qualitative descriptors for determining good environmental status and on measures to achieve or maintain good environmental status of marine waters. IMR gave the input to monitoring programme on how could monitoring of marine waters be organized and to the programme of measures on which type of measures could be used to maintain or achieve good environmental status of Estoanian marine waters on the basis of Norwegian experiences. This partnership has given the exchange of knowledge and experiences on monitoring and protection of marine waters and thereby useful contacts for further cooperation in this field. The partnership with Norwegian Institute of Marine Research has given us good contacts of marine scientists for future cooperation in the field of marine research and exchanging of new methods for monitoring and assessing marine water status. Norwegian Institute of Air Research (NILU) participated in the environmental impact study on the use of LNG as ship fuel by providing the report on pollutant emission factors from LNG fuelled ships as an input for modelling pollutant emissions for different scenarios. NILU gave the input for modelling pollutant emissions for different scenarios according to which one new measure: ’Promotion of use of liquefied natural gas (LNG) as ship fuel’ was proposed to programme of measures. This partnership has given the exchange of knowhow and methods for assessiment of the pollutant emissions from LNG fuelled ships. The partnership with Norwegian Institute of Air Research has given us an opportunity to write a scientific article based on the results from the pollutant emmission factor report and on the modelled emmissions in case of different proposed cenarious on the use of LNG as ship fuel. EERC’s and NILU’s experts have had already some first discussions on writing an article together.