Violence (non)public issue

Project facts

Project promoter:
SPONDEA, p.b.o.
Project Number:
Target groups
Victims of intimate-partner violence
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 263,798
The project is carried out in:
Czech Republic


The project reacts to the absence of a service concerning a complex solution of the problem of domestic violence committed on women/men in the South-Moravian region. With the exception of Brno, there are inadequate legal services for both the victims and abusers, lack of enlightenment and prevention incorporating experts and public. The project’s goal is designing a system field care and thus creating new locations to provide services to both the victims and perpetrators of domestic violence and establishing a new legal service for the protection of victims. Thanks to the project a development of therapeutic and counseling services and special programs for the abusers will be achieved. Hence, the prevention of domestic violence and its consequences will be reinforced. The project with an all-republic impact includes an innovative approach to solving the problem of violence committed on women/men and domestic violence by shifting the service “towards the client” and using a game app to educate the youth. It will draw inspiration from the experience of the Norwegian partner - Oslo Krisesenter.

Summary of project results

The nationwide impact of our project is an innovative approach to tackling the issue of domestic violence by shifting the service “to the client” and introducing a lawyer service for persons at risk and also services for violent persons – while preventing this violence at the same time. We have introduced a system of field care for the entire family affected by domestic violence. With our Norwegian partner we have worked mainly on the issue of children as witnesses of violence and on improving therapeutic work with aggressors. Emphasis has been put on a preventive campaign for the general public, teachers, pupils and students; we have managed to strengthen the interdisciplinary cooperation of stakeholders in the South Moravian Region and elsewhere. The sustainability of the project was the focus of a separate activity, the outputs of which led to the optimisation of the services provided. The main benefit was filling the gap in the services related to the issue of gender based violence and domestic violence in the South Moravian Region.

Summary of bilateral results

Oslo Krisesenter was the Norwegian partner of the project. The benefit of the cooperation was mutual sharing of good practice about children living in families in which domestic violence leads towards the divorce. The Norwegian partner got inspired by the specific and unique therapeutic program aimed at children, witnesses of domestic violence. It was systemically worked on reaching the planned goals (it means lowering occurrence of domestic violence) through using the publication Sinnamann and through communication about the good practice of domestic violence. The know-how and good practice while working with people affected by domestic violence was mutually shared during the bilateral cooperation. Thanks to the Norwegian partner it was possible to build new cooperative relationships and sharing of good practice with other Norwegian subjects, especially with the organization ATV. Our workers got inspired during the two internships in Norway, these ideas are applicable also in the Czech Republic. Other important topics were found out, topics that are suitable for the future continuing bilateral discussions.