The project’s substance lies in the creation of field counselling centres in Prague and Ostrava for women in grave social situations who have encountered violence. The field centres will provide legal and social counselling in the street and at places frequented by women in difficult social situations. The project is based on the finding that women at risk of violence living in the street often do not seek help at regular counselling centres, as they are not easily accessible to them, do not offer any feeling of safety to solve their problems, or do not offer a relevant service. The project counts on providing services to endangered women in the field through mobile counseling, with an emphasis on an individual approach. Women in the aforementioned situation who have encountered violence or are at risk of it, will be actively engaged in other project activities (research, a self-help group, theater etc.), which can significantly help them to deal with the situation. The issue will be solved in Prague and Ostrava, where there is the highest frequency of women in this difficult situation. A Norwegian partner will present best practice examples in the given area at a workshop.
Summary of project results
Until now there has been no organisation in the Czech Republic focusing on violence against homeless women. Subjects tackling violence against women have ignored homeless women, while social services for homeless people have ignored the issue of violence. That’s why we have created information know-how in the field of violence against homeless women – we have conducted research, used the knowledge of an international workshop and a meeting of field workers, published an output analysis, elaborated a manual for people in assistance professions, and organised training on the issue. We have also managed to link together organisations dealing with violence against women and organisations providing social services to homeless people. A unique field service operation has been established in Prague and Ostrava, which can be approached to deal with the experience of violence or its prevention. Women with the experience of homelessness participated actively in field counselling, in field workers’ meetings, collaborated on the project within a self-help group, devised topics and activities, and engaged in the research.
Summary of bilateral results
We are very satisfied with the partnership that was very enriching for us. First of all the partner had great experience with the topic violence against women and could give an overview in a Norwegian perspective that we feel more progressive. In addition the partner brought new perspectives: strengths on participation and care of people in helping position. Thanks to the partner we could get known also other organisations that are active in Norway and could experience progressive point of view and work in the field of combination of violence against women, homelessness, sex business and drug addiction. Not only the team, but also the target group (homeless women experiencing violence) got together with Norwegian representatives and draw their inspiration.