The project’s goal is to increase the representation of women in decision-making positions. We will focus on state businesses, town and listed companies and the principle of assigning their statutory board. On the level of the government and statutory cities, we will prepare a strategic document containing the results of our analysis, suggestions of the European Commission and recommendations for a greater representation of women in leading positions. We will expand the scope of Memorandum Diversity 2013+ and the group of signatories from 20 to 50. We want to target at least 15 companies and achieve a change in the perspective of the company’s management regarding this problem. By transferring the know-how of our Norwegian partner, we will ensure public demand for higher interest of companies’ management in a greater representation of women in leadership. We will support the project with an information campaign and a set of targeted actions for CEOs and opinion leaders. In cooperation with the publishing house Economia, we will ensure the interest of both a specialized and wide public.
Summary of project results
The aim of this project was to increase the representation of women in decision-making positions: in state enterprises, municipal companies, and private listed companies. We worked with system recommendations and strategic documents – the Action Plan for Balanced Representation of Women and Men in Decision-making Positions, the framework position for listed companies, or with the decision to support the issue at the level of government and individual cities. With private companies, we focused on the formulation and observance of voluntary commitments. We made use of the EU Diversity Charter (a strategic addition to the Diversity 2013+ Memorandum), to which more than 50 Czech employers have committed. We organised a campaign called “I'm Not Just Average”, a road show with accompanying events and, thanks to our Norwegian partner, we enabled representatives of Czech employers to visit key institutions in Norway. We have created an Index of Female Representation in Management and provided relevant data to the media, businesses and government. In cooperation with the publishers Economia, Mafra and other media, we have elicited renewed interest in the issue. We have also awarded the best companies and, in cooperation with the Minister of Human Rights, Equal Opportunities and Legislation, engaged businesses in the debate and direct review of the Action Plan. We will continue to run the Index, hold regular networking meetings for companies, work with cities, and expand the number of signatories of the EU Diversity Charter. The key objectives are sustainable thanks to the adoption of significant strategic documents by the Government of the Czech Republic.
Summary of bilateral results
Norwegian partner was a great contribution to the project implementation. It has provided us with the case studies, best practice as well as with supporting arguments for promoting gender diversity. Within the project we have had quite intensive cooperation including the trip of the Czech representatives (business, government, local authorities, media) to Norway.The partnership was built on providing the overview of the Norwegian situation, introducing the tools and instruments to promote gender diversity and that from the perspectives of the organization driving the change as well as the governmental and business point of view. The expert also personally participated at events in the Czech Republic both for companies and municipalities. The cooperation went beyond this project as we have applied for bilateral funds for extra cooperation.