Service Center for People with Chronic Mental Illness

Project facts

Project promoter:
Darmoděj z.ú.
Project Number:
Target groups
People with mental health problems
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 107,905
The project is carried out in:
Czech Republic

More information


The project is focused on social and health stabilization of persons with chronic mental illness including those with multiple dual diagnoses in combination with addiction problems. The project is focused on providing services to a client in his/her natural environment, or in a stable, safe and protected environment "Service Centre". Another project goal is to expand and improve the material and technical base for providing services aimed at social rehabilitation and aftercare services specializing in the target group. The activities of the project comprise renovation of premises and purchase of equipment, as well as expansion of the capacity of the provision of social and medical services to the target group. The main target group is persons with chronic mental illness, including people with addiction problems.

Summary of project results

The mail objective of the sub-project was deinstitutionalization of psychiatric patients through the provision of ambulant and field services, residential aftercare services in the „Centre of services for people with chronic mental illness", specializing in the target group of clients with chronic mental illness, including multiple dual diagnoses in combination with addiction problems. Improvement of material and technical facilities for the performance of the above - social and health services, including improving the system of multi-stage permeable housing and expansion of activities aimed at social rehabilitation. The second objective was streamlining the results of social health care through engaging in incipient platform "interdisciplinary" to be achieved mainly non-duplicative and adequate care for clients in the form most appropriate "Case management”. The both objectives were fulfilled. The Centre of services for people with chronically diseases was put into operation. This was accomplished by completing the activity 1 including renovation and furnishing the apartments in the ground floor of the Centre and by completing activity 2 including renovation and furnishing third apartment in the first floor od the Centre. After the completion of the Centre there were started performance of social and medical services which belongs to the activity 3. In the sub-project there were achieved these outputs: - Renovation and building a barrier-free access to the apartment on the ground floor of the Centre; - Renovation and furnishing the apartments 2 a 3; - Renovation therapeutical room; - Performance social and medical services – meeting with patients (interventions), creation of individual plans for clients, realization of group and individual therapies.

Summary of bilateral results