'Return to life' – community care programme for people with autism

Project facts

Project promoter:
The Association for Helping People with Autism - APLA Prague, Central Bohemia, os
Project Number:
Target groups
People with mental health problems
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 60,389
The project is carried out in:
Czech Republic

More information


The project focuses on improving the quality of psychiatric rehabilitation care for long-term and short-term hospitalized clients with Autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) or those in danger of hospitalization. The project will develop a complex and comprehensive psychotherapeutic programme for clients with ASD in partnership with the psychiatric hospital in Bohnice, ensuring the sustainability of the alternative forms of care beyond the scope and the implementation period of this specific project. The programme will serve as an example to other psychiatric hospitals for similar projects with clients with ASD. The main target group are the patients with Autistic spectrum disorders. The secondary target group are the experts specialized in the field of the care about the clients with ASD. The partner will provide his knowledge, regular consultations and discussion and cooperation on the realization of the project activities.

Summary of project results

The main aim of the project was to create a comprehensive therapeutic and rehabilitation programme for patients with autism and/or intellectual disability, other psychiatric disorders leading to their de-institutionalisation. The programme contributed to transforming psychiatric care of patients with autism and/or intellectual disability, other psychiatric disorders through a comprehensive focus on treatment, prevention and gradual transfer towards more community-care based services, which lead to improvement in the quality of care and enabled patients to re-integrate into society. The programme consisted of therapeutic, respite, health and social rehabilitation activities, and complementary services for clients with autism and/or intellectual disability, other psychiatric disorders, which were hospitalised in psychiatric hospitals or in danger of hospitalisation. The programme was tailored to the needs of each participant. The aim was fulfilled successfully. Total of 303 clients participated in the project. 273 clients participated in therapeutic activities (some clients were supported repeatedly), 14 clients participated in the social rehabilitation activities (some clients participated in a number of activities), 14 supervisions were organised in co-operation with PN Bohnice, 16 clients used respite services (some clients were supported repeatedly). Methodology/guidelines for staff in psychiatric hospitals and community-care service providers called „Autism – When medication is not enough“ (Therapeutic attitude of carers towards patients with autism) was written and disseminated. Total of 64 clients participated in the complementary activities – music, drama, yoga, art classes, educational activities, weekend trips etc. (some clients participated in a number of activities/were supported repeatedly). The target group was reached via information leaflets, social media, work of self-advocates, but most importantly through direct contact with clients as part of the daily support provided by both NAUTIS and PN Bohnice. Always taking into account the needs of individual clients.

Summary of bilateral results