Mole in motion

Project facts

Project promoter:
Endowment Fund of Pediatric Oncology KRTEK
Project Number:
Target groups
Children ,
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 108,502
The project is carried out in:
Jihomoravský kraj

More information


There have been several studies in recent years proving positive effects of physical activities. Therefore, use of physical exercises in the area of paediatric oncology is very important. Project is focused on developing motor skills program designed for paediatric oncology patients. The aim of this program is to reduce disease consequences as well as to help children after therapy with their soon integration back to the society. The “Mole in motion” project will be applied, evaluated and administrated due the motor skills program for paediatric oncology patients and their parents. Next activities of this project are seminars and conferences concerning motor skills activities in the field that are part of prevention and reduction of secondary consequences of the therapy. The primary target group are children with oncological diseases. Secondary target groups are families of ontologically ill children, students, education and health workers. The partner of the project is The Faculty of Physical Culture at Palacký University in Olomouc. Partner will be guarantee of the motor skill program.

Summary of project results

The main aim of the project was to create a physical program for children with oncological disease, which will serve to improve the quality of life and resocialization of this target group. The main aim of this project and as well as other aims have been fully implemented. Specific result od the project was creation of a motion program, creation of a mentoring program, realization of motion programs for children with oncological disease, realization of motion programs for families with children with oncological disease, realization of training, realization of expedition stay, participation in conferences. Outputs of the project were: creation of a motion program - 1 program created creation a "mentoring" program - 1 program created realization of motion programs for children with oncological disease - 154 children were supported realization of motion programs for families with children with oncological disease - 277 persons were supported (i. e. children with oncological dinase and their family members) realization of training - 95 people were supported realization of expedition stay - 35 children were supported participation in conferences - 8 conference papers were submitted realization of the conference - 52 people were participated

Summary of bilateral results